Best VPNs for iPhone and iPad (for speed and security)

Best VPNs for iPhone and iPad (for speed and security)
On iPhone and iPad it is possible to take advantage of advanced features to protect privacy while browsing and to keep personal data in apps or operating system safe; Unfortunately, Apple devices completely lack a VPN connection system, which allows the device to connect securely and hide (if necessary) the user's identity when connected to a Wi-Fi hotspot network (often not very secure) or want to change IP to avoid being tracked to websites, by the provider or by hackers.

In this guide you will be able to analyze the best VPNs for iPhone and iPad in terms of speed and security, so that you can only install secure VPN apps and test and avoid VPN apps that cannot be traced to the company or the type of secure connection used.

Why use a VPN on iOS and iPadOS

A VPN can be a great way to protect the privacy of iPhone users and iPad: even though Apple's operating system is currently one of the most effective in protecting user privacy, it can do nothing about the data traffic that passes through the Wi-Fi network or the cellular data network.

A Internet provider can discover all the sites that an iPhone or iPad user visits, as well as a government agency; an attacker can capture the data traffic exchanged between the user's phone and the Wi-Fi network (often a public hotspot), thus stealing access passwords and precious files. By adding a VPN it is possible to block any attempt to violate privacy, since the connection will be encrypted and unassailable from the device to the requested web server.

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