Dialer codes: all the secrets of Android at the touch of a keypad

Dialer codes: all the secrets of Android at the touch of a keypad

Dialer codes

The dialer codes, so named because they are accessible directly from the phone's call keypad, are still a mystery to the average user, while they have no secrets for the more advanced users, who have been using them for years to access a series of test menus. and advanced settings otherwise not accessible from the standard user interface.

The most known dialer code is undoubtedly the one that allows you to view the IMEI, that is the code unique identifier that allows you to lock the phone in case of loss, and is associated with the guarantee, by typing the string * # 06 # in the numeric keypad. Other dialer codes allow you to carry out tests reserved for the most experienced, but which may prove useful if you intend, for example, to carry out diagnostic operations for a repair.

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Before proceeding to deepen the two main types of dialer codes, namely MMI and USSD, it is good to remember that, while some codes allow you to view useful information and change the settings of the answering machine, others can cause damage to the device if used irresponsibly.

In this article we will list all the Android dialer codes, divided into the following categories:

Android generic codes Test codes Configuration codes Developer codes Other dialer codes Reset codes Dialer codes of the main Samsung brand Xiaomi realme OnePlus Asus Huawei Motorola HTC Sony Nokia Dialer codes of the Italian operators TIM Vodafone Iliad WindTre Fastweb

MMI and USSD, what's the difference?

The dialer codes seem at first sight all the same: they are made up of a numeric string preceded and followed by asterisk and hash symbols, which can be dialed directly from the keypad mata of the smartphone without the need, at least in most cases, to perform further operations. However, they are divided into two main categories, which are very different in nature: MMI and USSD.

MMI (Man Machine Interface)

MMI codes are part of the telephone's human-machine interface : just like the most commonly used settings, they act as an intermediary to the interaction between the user and the functionality of the device, with the exception that they are located at a more hidden level than the graphical interface with which one usually enters contact.

In some rare cases, as in the OnePlus and Asus smartphones, the MMI codes can be found in the app dedicated to the calculator, with the function of accessing the test or simply as cute easter eggs.

USSD (Unstructured Supplementary Service Data)

The USSD codes, although they are formatted almost identical to the MMI codes, have a completely different nature: they are in fact used for communication between the smartphone and the mobile network operator to which the SIM card is associated. The USSD technology, used since the dawn of mobile technologies, is a more immediate and less expensive method of communication than SMS, but with the spread of Internet-based technologies it has become largely obsolete.

Although it is still used in some developing countries even as a payment method, the USSD technology and the consequent associated codes have fallen into disuse in most markets.

In Italy, for example, TIM customers could access their own residual credit using the code * 123 #, while now you need to call, send an SMS or access the dedicated application. On the Italian territory the USSD codes are still used by the main operators with only one but important function: that of managing the answering machine.

Android generic codes

* # 06 # - IMEI code * # 07 # - SAR index regulations * # * # 225 # * # * - access to calendar * # * # 426 # * # * - information on Google Play Services (some devices only) * # * # 759 # * # * - Rlz Debug UI * # 0 * # - phone information (some devices only) * # * # 4636 # * # * - phone information (some devices only) * # * # 34971539 # * # * - camera information ( some devices only) * # * # 1111 # * # * - FTA software version * # * # 1234 # * # * - firmware and PDA version * # 12580 * 369 # - software and hardware information * # 7465625 # - status of unlock device * # * # 232338 # * # * - MAC address * # * # 2663 # * # * - touchscreen version * # * # 3264 # * # * - RAM version * # * # 232337 # * # - Bluetooth address * # * # 2222 # * # * - hardware version * # * # 44336 # * # * - software version and update info ento * # * # 273282 * 255 * 663282 * # * # * - backup all data

Test codes

* # * # 197328640 # * # * - Test Mode * # * # 232339 # * # * - Wi-Fi test * # * # 0842 # * # * - brightness and vibration test * # * # 2664 # * # * - touchscreen test * # * # 232331 # * # * - Bluetooth test * # * # 7262626 # * # * - network test * # * # 1472365 # * # * - quick GPS test * # * # 1575 # * # * - full GPS test * # * # 0283 # * # * - loopback test * # * # 0 * # * # * - display test * # * # 0289 # * # * - audio test * # * # 0588 # * # * - proximity sensor test

Configuration codes

* # 9090 # - diagnostic settings * # 301279 # - HDSPA / HSUPA settings * # 872564 # - USB log settings

Developer codes

* # 9900 # - system dump mode ## 778 - EPST menu (numeric assignment form )

Other dialer codes

* # * # 7594 # * # * - shutdown the device * # * # 8351 # * # * - enable dialer log # * # 8350 # * # * - disable dialer log

Reset codes (ATTENTION!)

* # 7780 # - partial factory reset ⚠ * 2767 * 3855 # - total reset d factory ati ⚠ * # * # 7780 # * # * - restore and system partition ⚠ * 2767 * 3855 # - format device ⚠

Dialer codes of major brands


* # 0 * # - diagnostic menu * # 011 # - network specification * # 0228 # - battery status * # 0283 # - loopback test menu * # 0808 # - USB settings * # 1234 # - software version * # 2663 # - firmware version * # 7353 # - quick test menu * # 9090 # - debug tool * # 9900 # - SysDump * # 2683662 # - Service Mode * # 34971539 # - camera firmware


* # * # 64663 # * # * - test menu


* # 800 # - feedback menu / factory settings * # 888 # - PCB number * # 6776 # - software version


* # 66 # - encrypted IMEI code * # 888 # - PCB number * # 1234 # - software version 1 + = (in Calculator app) - show “Never Settle” logo * # * # 2947322243 # * # * - internal memory reset


* # 07 # - regulatory labels .12345 + = (in the Calculator app) - Engineer Mode (advanced menu)


* # * # 2846579 # * # * - Project Menu (service menu) * # * # 0000 # * # * - device information * # * # 1357946 # * # * - model, serial number, IMEI, MLPL, MSPL * # * # 225 # * # * - access to calendar * # * # 426 # * # - FCM diagnostics * # * # 6130 # * # * - statistics and information * # * # 2846 # * # * and * # 2846 # * - audio and display test


* # * # 2486 # * # * - Engineer Mode * # 07 # - device information ## 7764726 - hidden menu Motorola Droid


* # * # 3424 # * # * - test menu ## 786 # - phone reset ⚠ ## 3282 # - EPST menu ## 3424 # - diagnostic settings ## 33284 # - network test ## 8626337 # - Vocoder * # * # 4636 # * # * - information menu


* # * # 73788423 # * # * - service menu * # 07 # - certificate details


* # * # 372733 # * # * - service menu

Dialer codes of the Italian operators


Your mobile phone is off or out of range Activation: ** 62 * 36 Own Telephone Number # ENTER Deactivation: ## 62 # ENTER Verify service status: * # 62 # SEND You are engaged in another conversation Activation: ** 67 * 36 Your Phone Number # SEND Deactivation: ## 67 # SEND Checking service status: * # 67 # SEND When your phone rings but you cannot answer the call Activation: ** 61 * 36 Own Telephone Number # SEND Deactivation: ## 61 # SEND Checking service status: * # 61 # SEND If you want to divert all the calls you receive directly to the Answering Machine Activation: ** 21 * 36 Own Telephone Number # SEND Deactivation: ## 21 # SEND Checking service status: * # 21 # SEND


All call forwarding to the answering machine Deactivation: ## 002 # When the phone is off / unreachable Activation: * * 62 * + 39 followed by 34 and mobile number # Deactivation: ## 62 # When the number is busy Activation: ** 67 * + 39 followed by 34 and mobile number # Deactivation: ## 67 # When you cannot or you don't want to answer Activation: ** 61 * + 39 followed by 3 4 and mobile phone number # Deactivation: ## 61 # When you intend to divert all calls to the answering machine, even when the phone is switched on Activation: ** 21 * + 39 followed by 34 and mobile number # Deactivation: ## 21 #


## 002 # - deactivate answering machine ** 62 * + 393518995012 # - reactivate answering machine ## 21 # - deactivate transfer to the answering machine of incoming calls ## 67 # - deactivate answering machine while it is in progress a call ** 61 * + 39 [NUM] * 10 * # - increase or decrease the number of rings before transferring the call to the answering machine


Phone off or not reachable Activation: ** 62 * +39 32 [NUM] #invio Deactivation: ## 62 # sending Check status: * # 62 # send You cannot or do not want to reply activation: ** 61 * + 39 32 [NUM] #invio deactivation: ## 61 # send check status: * # 61 # send You are busy in another conversation activation: ** 67 * + 39 32 your num. #invio deactivation: ## 67 # sending All the cases listed above activation: ** 004 * + 39 32 your num. #invio deactivation: ## 004 # sending All incoming calls even when the phone is switched on activation: ** 21 * + 39 32 your num. # send deactivation: ## 21 # send status check: * # 21 # send


Diversion to the answering machine Activation Deactivation Off & not reachable * 62 * 3730004410 # Enter ## 62 # Send busy * 67 * 3730004410 # Send ## 67 # Send Cannot / want to answer * 61 * 3730004410 # Send ## 61 # Send Always even if lit * 21 * 3730004410 # Send ## 21 # Send Diversion to another number Activate Deactivate Check service status Off & unreachable * 62 * # Enter ## 62 # Enter * # 62 # Busy * 67 * # Enter ## 67 # Enter * # 67 # Cannot / want to reply * 61 * # Enter ## 61 # Enter * # 61 # Always even if lit * 21 * # Enter ## 21 # Enter * # 21 #

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