To access the online tax office from October you need Spid, Cie or Cns

To access the online tax office from October you need Spid
Retired the old credentials to access the network services of the Revenue Agency. Nothing changes, however, for professionals and businesses
Spid Spid, Cie and Cns: here are the only digital access keys that from 1 October will allow them to use all the telematic services of the Revenue Agency, by sending in the attic username and password Fisconline. The decommissioning of the old system will take place at midnight on 30 September and from that moment the identification at the access of the fiscal telematic services of the Revenue Agency and the Revenue-Collection Agency can take place with one of the Public Digital Identity System (Spid) , Electronic Identity Card (Cie) and Cns (National Services Card). The transition to the new system was provided for by the Simplification decree. However, nothing changes for professionals and companies who will be able to continue using their current credentials.How to create Spid
With over 24 million users already provided, Spid is based on personal credentials up to three levels of security that allow adult citizens to access the online services of the public administration and private members. To obtain your account, you must contact one of the nine digital identity managers currently operating and certified by the Agency for Digital Italy (, InfoCert Id, intesa Id, Lepida, NamirialId, PosteId, Sielteid, SpidItalia, TimId).The identification procedure requires you to first create your credentials online, obtaining an Italian identification document, health card or tax code, email address and mobile number and then carry out the identification, in person or remotely, choosing between the free or paid methods offered by the providers, to be known before proceeding with activation.
How to apply for the Cie
Another tool that allows access to PA services is the Cie, the electronic identity card, issued by the municipality of residence. To use it at its best, it is important to make sure you have the entire pin code of the card and have installed the Cie Id application on your smartphone, equipped with the NFC (Near field communication) interface used to read the card. It is also possible to access via desktop, with a PC equipped with a smart card reader (or connected to a properly equipped smartphone).Once registered, Cie Id will itself request access only with the last four pin digits and possibly with biometric data. Authentication to online PA services from a computer is divided into five steps that require you to: enter the serial code of your card on the service access page, read a QR code with the app, enter the last four digits in the app of the Pin, read the Cie card with the NFC system and finally enter the otp code on the screen that is shown in the app. If access to the service will take place on a smartphone, it will be sufficient to enter the last four digits of the pin or the fingerprint and then place the card on the smartphone, using Safari for iOs and Chrome on Android as a browser.
How to use the CNS
Finally, the third tool is the CNS, the National Services Card, which allows access to the same services through a device, such as, for example, a USB key or a smart card equipped with microchip. Once the reading is complete, in this case it will be sufficient to enter your pin.Finally, nothing changes for professional users. For the moment, the new authentication methods do not interest professionals and companies: the Fisconline, Entratel or Sister credentials, in fact, will continue to be issued to individuals with VAT numbers and legal entities even after 1 October 2021. With a specific implementing decree, as required by the Digital Administration Code, the rules for these categories of users will then be established.
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