Fool's Tools is born, the online tool to easily manage your cryptocurrencies

Fool's Tools is born
Fool's Tools is the tool for managing your crypto portfolio, created by Fornace, a digital agency in Valpolicella (Veneto), to allow everyone, experts and non-experts, to approach the world of cryptocurrencies.The platform offers various features that allow those who invest in crypto, and in particular in the so-called "altcoins", to have their portfolio under control even on different chains (currently Binance Smart Chain and KCC): for example example shows the best selling value among the different exchanges present on the token residence blockchain and allows automatic swap on the one where it is more convenient. In addition, in addition to showing the graph with the price trend of a token (owned or not), it allows you to set alerts via email to report a change in absolute or percentage value. Finally, the tradealizer function shows the history of all transactions closed by a user - a function much requested by the tax laws of various countries of the world - making the activity visible even on the wallets of third parties whose address is known. All through an intuitive and mobile friendly interface.
“We built Fool's Tools to have an MVP (minimum viable product) that would demonstrate to everyone - the public and potential investors - that we are capable of grounding that that we want to create in the next 12 months: a tool that is truly “on the side of those who invest”.
From cross-checks on different exchanges to find the best exchange rates, to the ability to monitor purchases and sales of any wallet, to the direct participation of the Telegram community in reporting fraudulent tokens: all features that we make available to investors to help them increase their portfolio, trying to protect them from the risks that are run in this world. We have already done all this. Now the really ambitious part of the plan begins. ", Says Francesco Frapporti, CEO of Fornace, who adds:" In 12 months what we will have will be a world-class product ".
The agency considers the experience of the first version of Fool's Tools a great success. The tool is already innovative today and the passionate support of the community demonstrates its potential.
The project for the full version, which has a 12-month roadmap, includes a complete redesign with a process that involves the community, the ability to buy directly by credit card, automation tools for buying and selling including the ability to track the investments of other wallets, integration with native iOS and Android apps, independence from third-party wallets (Metamask, TrustWallet) for those who want it, the ability to easily move their assets between the different blockchains, and much more.
The set of features proposed by Fool's Tools makes a world as rapidly evolving as that of DeFi, decentralized finance, also because it integrates a sort of "social thermometer" of the most talked about tokens, sheltering the less experienced from many of the hi who rush into investing without having done adequate research. By allowing you to rate and comment on tokens, it is easy to understand what the market is moving on and which investments to stay away from. Word of mouth from the community helps small investors not to be persuaded by investment proposals which, by the very nature of DeFi, are neither regulated nor controlled by any guarantor authority.
The goal of the agency, which gives tempo develops technological products in the world of blockchain and cryptocurrencies, is to expand its offer currently focused on development and digital marketing with a spin-off dedicated to the world of decentralized finance, in which Fool's Tools is an initial showcase and a means to build a loyal community.
“We believe we have intercepted a need that the DeFi market had not yet given an answer to: a tool that accompanies the inexperienced investor but which also offers advanced functions to those who invest regularly. This is why the Fool's Tools project is destined to grow: we are in contact with some potential financial partners whose proposals we are evaluating, and in the meantime we continue with a visibility campaign entirely made in Fornace of which we are particularly proud. ", Concludes Luca Cisorio, Managing Partner of Fornace.
The marketing campaign that launched Fool's Tools: from TEST token to webseries
The idea of Fool's Tools was born after 'as part of a research project on smart contracts, the agency quietly released its own cryptocurrency called TEST, around which a community of investors spontaneously developed and decided to buy it and contribute to the project, despite the Fornace team ironically tried to persuade everyone not to. This reverse psychology mechanism has won over thousands of people. The value of TEST jumped from an initial investment of $ 300 to an ATH (all-time high) of $ 16 million in market cap in about three weeks, and then readjusted in the crypto bear period to a value of about 1 million euro, which the agency still considers extraordinary since what has been done so far is nothing more than a technical test of the final project.A first beta of Fool's Tools was therefore offered to the community of TEST owners token, parallel to the beginning of a promotional campaign based on a webseries on Youtube, produced entirely by the Production team of Fornace, which tells the evolution of the project by involving the members of the agency in an ironic and surreal format. The videos, released weekly, have already reached a total of over 55,000 views.