Droid X360: the PS Vita becomes economical

Droid X360
If copying is the most obvious form of flattery, this time we can say that an anonymous Taiwanese producer has really hit rock bottom. PSP Vita, Sony's portable console with undoubted technical qualities, has been on the market for a few months now and moderate sales confirm the difficulties of the current economic situation. Since the cunning of the producers has no limit, here comes a low-priced copy from the far east, clearly inspired by it. The producers have beautifully copied its shape but, demonstrating an uncommon sense of humor, they have given it a name that is all a program: Droid X360.Shape, screen and control layout are shamelessly borrowed from Sony's PS Vita: obviously the components, the screen and everything else come from no one knows which Taiwanese company with low cost and overall quality seems follow faithfully. At first glance the Droid X360 seems to have a lot to do with a super budget tablet reviewed some time ago in the infamous £ 50 Android experiment based on a well-known configuration, namely the ubiquitous A10 chipset aided by a 1GHz ARM Cortex A8 CPU. , which were associated with two Mali-400 graphics processors. To these have been added 512MB system RAM which houses Android 4.0 and an 8GB flash disk drive.
The main screen is a 5-inch multi-touch with a resolution of 800x480 pixels in conjunction with a video camera facing the user and a 2 megapixel camera in the back, to which are added TF card and microUSB socket. What is surprising about this product, however, is the HDMI output, a feature absent even from the PS Vita. The battery stands at 2800mAh for about three hours of use.
So what could be done with this low-cost PS Vita clone (at least from an aesthetic point of view) that actually hides a real low-end tablet with Android installed? Basically it should offer all the features of this operating system in version 4.0, including navigation, use of Google Play and Chrome. The performance should be more than suitable for this kind of use, including watching videos from YouTube. But apart from that? The novelty concerns the fact that the console is sold with pre-installed a large series of emulators for NES, Master System, Nintendo 64 and many others. The intention is clear: to create a tablet designed for emulation giving it the shape of a modern portable console, even if bordering on plagiarism.
Comparing the images via Twitter, the response of the President of the Studios by Sony was simply: "WoW".
Available now from all the best low-cost material dealers, the Droid X360 costs $ 115 delivered, so around 95 Euros for the European market. Waiting for Sony's more than certain lawsuit, can retrogaming enthusiasts give us a thought? To you the last word.
Translation by Matteo "Elvin" Lorenzetti.
Droid X360 goes for the KIRF prize, antagonizes Microsoft, Motorola and Sony at the same time (video)
Can we establish a KIRF award for Most Likely to Invite Multiple Lawsuits? If so, Long Xun Software would have to claim the statuette for its Droid X360, at least if it dared set foot in the US. This prime example of keepin' it real fake is even more of a PS Vita clone than the Yinlips YDPG18, but goes the extra mile with a name that's likely to irk Microsoft, Motorola, Verizon and George Lucas all at once. That's even discounting the preloaded emulators for just about every pre-1999 Nintendo, Sega and Sony console. Inside, you'll at least find a device that's reasonably up to snuff: the 5-inch handheld is running Android 4.0 on a 1.5GHz single-core Quanzhi A10 processor, 512MB of RAM, 8GB of built-in space, a 2-megapixel camera at the back and a VGA shooter at the front. If the almost gleeful amount of copyright and trademark violation isn't keeping you from wanting this award-winner, you'll have to ask Long Xun for pricing and availability.
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