Battlefield 2042: Anyone who uploads recordings could be banned

Battlefield 2042: Anyone who uploads recordings could be banned

Battlefield 2042

EA is currently holding a preview event for their new shooter Battlefield 2042 and whoever participates as a game tester, of course, had to sign a confidentiality agreement before the start. That means: Depending on the exact contractual points, the person concerned may not share any content on the experience, either verbally or in writing spread. As reported by Eurogamer, the contract didn't stop some testers from doing just that. If you have not given in to the temptation, but are still planning to do so, be warned: EA threatens serious consequences for those who do not adhere to the agreements made.

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Uploaded recordings and a well-intentioned warning

Of course, recordings that have already landed on the Internet are difficult to get deleted, despite EA's persistent attempts. In order to keep the damage at least within limits, EA warned the other playtesters not to make the same mistake.

Adam Freeman, Lead Community Manager for EA in Europe, wrote an extensive thread about this on Twitter. In the first paragraph he reminds the playtesters that they have signed a confidentiality agreement. In the following he reports a bit about how the event is going and is confident that any problems found can be fixed by the launch on October 22nd.

Freeman then reminds them of the contract again and writes that everything Sharing videos and screenshots as well as streaming is prohibited and can cause channel strikes. Regarding other ramifications, he writes: "If you break the rules, expect to lose access to the current and future test events, and possibly even to [Battlefield] 2042 itself once it is released. We already have some people from the event in removed for the last 48 hours and they won't be able to play for the rest of the weekend. "


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A result of previous experiences

Not allowing any recordings or streaming of the event may seem strict, but game testers should adhere to the agreed rules should be a matter of course. EA and in particular Battlefield 2042 (buy now € 56.99) are very leak-plagued anyway, which is why the company's approach is not surprising already know the upcoming season content and there are rumors about the anti-cheat software used. We'll stay tuned to see what's going to happen until Battlefield 2042 is released on October 22, 2021 for PlayStation 4, PlayStation 5, Xbox One, Xbox Series X | S, and PC.

Source: Adam Freeman on Twitter

As Battlefield 2042 Test Footage Leaks, DICE Says Breaking NDA Might Result in a Ban at Launch

Battlefield 2042 is undergoing a closed technical test on Xbox and PC (PS5 test cancelled for now), gameplay videos from which have leaked online in violation of the non-disclosure agreement signed by playtesters. As publisher Electronic Arts struggles to have the videos taken down, DICE has warned that those caught breaking NDA will not only be thrown out from the current test and banned from future tests, they might also lose access to Battlefield 2042 at launch.

“You’re under NDA for this playtest, so videos, screenshots, and streaming from this playtest result in strikes on your channels,” wrote EA’s Lead Community Manager, Adam Freeman. “Be a good egg. Break the rules, expect to lose access to both the technical playtest, future EA tests, and potentially access to 2042 itself when it releases. We’ve already removed plenty of people from the playtest in these past 48 hours, and they won’t be able to play this weekend.”

As far as test progress is concerned, Freeman said that DICE has received a lot of positive feedback thus far, and stressed that these tests are geared towards Battlefield 2042‘s technical systems. There will be an open beta in September that will offer “gameplay at its fullest.”

“Technical playtests aren’t exclusively focused on bugs or gameplay – it’s about the tech we use that powers the experience,” Freeman explained. “We’ve learned a huge deal, on top of what we already get from daily internal tests.”

As far as the PS5 technical test is concerned, no further information has been provided beyond the “critical issue” that was identified, leading to its cancellation this weekend.

We’ll keep our readers posted.

[Source: Twitter]

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