Monster Hunter: Kamui's Nergigante set cosplay is a true work of art

Monster Hunter
Monster Hunter can provide a lot of stuff for old-fashioned cosplayers, those who spend hours and days building their own costume as per tradition, and this cosplay on Kamui's Nergigante Dual Blades set fits precisely into that style, presenting itself as a real one. her own work of art.With the relaunch of the series given by the phenomenal Monster Hunter Rise, Svetlanda "kamui" Quindt has returned to the charge with a truly impressive operation, proposing her interpretation as a huntress with a gifted Nergigante set by dual blades. The costume looks inspired by the version of armor featured in Monster Hunter: World, but is clearly back in fashion with the recent launch of the Nintendo Switch game.
Looking at the photo, the costume is so well made, complex and similar to the videogame counterpart to seem almost a sort of photomontage or the result of some image editing. This certainly has been there at least in part, but the armor looks really real and to confirm it you can also see some clips of the manufacturing process published by Kamui on his Twitter account.
As you can see, it really is a very complex and accurate work of craftsmanship, which requires considerable artistic and manual ability. Also note the excellent two corgis present at the cosplayer's feet, called Zelda and Midna, which may remind a little of the new Palamutes, as Kamui also claims.
To stay on the cosplay theme, let's remember that of Aela di Jannetin from The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim, Daniela's from from Resident Evil Village, Bunny Bulma's from Meg Turney from Dragon Ball and Tifa's cosplay from Irina Meier from Final Fantasy 7 Remake.
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