Twitch, streamer destroys a misogynist and sexist troll who wanted to be nice

Twitch, streamer destroys a misogynist and sexist troll who wanted to be nice
What is beauty but seeing a misogynist and sexist troll destroyed live by a Twitch streamer? This is what negaoryx did, responding with words of fire to an inappropriate question asked in chat by a viewer.

The guy asked her none other than to declare the color of her underwear, as if it were a deal that concerned him. To which negaoryx responded in kind, exposing him to the public mockery: "What did you expect? That I said something like" Blue, why do you want to know? Do you want my phone number? "What do you expect people to do? Did you really think it would go differently?"

Sexist misogynist, bothered by the answer, replied in chat as short films usually do brain on the internet, that is, he accused the streamer of not knowing how to take a joke. To which negaoryx destroyed him again, with even stronger words that made him realize that his joke wasn't a joke: "you just acted like a misogynist, sexist piece of shit. But you don't like hearing that because it's like someone makes you look in the mirror and makes you uncomfortable, because you know who you are and you know which parts of you are good. So deep in your heart you have to create a narrative that makes you feel better about having someone confront you with the part of yourself you hate the most. "

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negaoryx uploaded the clip of his response to Twitter, which immediately went viral. In response to some direct questions, he then explained that he had the answer ready because it is four and a half years, that is, since he has been streaming, reading comments like this and pondering the question. In this case she just wanted to express his point of view of him.

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