How to save on a full tank of petrol with your smartphone

Unfortunately, the historical period in which we find ourselves does not make life easy for those who use an endothermic vehicle powered by diesel and petrol, and it is precisely in periods like these that it becomes important to pay close attention to one's refueling and amount of fuel consumed. For the more technologically minded, a series of applications are available that can provide valuable assistance to those who are willing to travel a few more kilometers in order to save on the price per liter of fuel.
On this page you will find a selection of applications, almost all available on both Android and iOS, dedicated to car management with particular attention to saving on fuel consumption, and to purchasing - thus helping us to choose the gas station that charges the lowest price – both while driving, helping us to maintain a more conservative driving style so as to burn less fuel.
Petrol price comparator
This application works in a similar way to Petrol Prices, and allows us to evaluate "remotely" the price charged by the distributors in the area to evaluate the cheapest, choosing between petrol, diesel, LPG and methane. Among the particular functions of Petrol price comparator there is certainly the possibility of saving the journeys that are made more frequently, such as the home-work section, so as to be able to quickly evaluate which is the cheapest petrol station on a given day.Android Play Store : download
BlueDriver OBD2 Scan Tool
It is easily the richest and most complete application among those you will find in this list, but it is also the only one that requires the use of the Bluetooth adapter to be connected to the OBD2 socket that we find on almost all modern cars: BlueDriver OBD2 Scan Tool is available for Android and iOS, and allows you to perform a complete diagnostic of the car, keeping an eye on all consumption in the various areas of usage. Using the application will also allow you to identify any technical problems with the fuel system, signaled by consumption outside what would be the average calculated on the basis of driving style; using BlueDriver OBD2 Scan Tool will help you change your driving style in order to consume less fuel, even if some data provided by the app are difficult to interpret.Apple App Store : download Android Play Store : download
CNG, LPG dispensers and columns by Ecomotori
This application has been specially developed for those who drive cars powered by natural gas or LPG, and provides a complete database of petrol stations, complete with address, hours, price and telephone number. In total, the application has more than 10,000 distributor records, 2,600 methane distributors and more than 8,000 LPG distributors scattered in various European countries. The application automatically integrates with our navigator so that the route for the vending machine can be set without awkward copy-paste or other expedients, and if a different price from the one indicated in the application is found, a convenient report can be made to the staff, who will then modify the reported data.The application is available on Android and iOS, in this case with the simpler name of
Apple App Store : download Android Play Store : download
Drivvo is a very intuitive and easy to use application, and it is available for free on Android and iOS systems. Drivvo's main task is to keep at hand, in an orderly and easy-to-consult manner, all expenses relating to the car - such as road tax, insurance, ordinary and extraordinary maintenance - and not just that relating to fuel.The refueling registration system is a valuable tool for keeping expenses at bay: the application will send a notification to warn us when we are about to run out of fuel, and it can be even more precise if we set the planned route inside of the application. Drivvo also offers the possibility of creating complete reports on supplies, expenses and services, with a visual support created with very detailed graphs.
Apple App Store : download Android Play Store : download
Fuelio is an excellent free application available on Android systems dedicated to managing fuel costs: the application allows us to enter the make and model of our car, and will ask us to manually enter data on the price of fuel and the quantity of liters refueled to make consumption calculations.The application will take care of to create a register of fuel purchases, it will calculate our driving efficiency and will create graphs and statistics to understand if you can improve your driving style in order to consume less and spend less on fuel. Using Fuelio, supported by the partial odometer of our car, it will be easy to understand the consumption of the car and adjust accordingly; to ensure that everything works as it should, however, you must be careful to insert all the necessary data into the application, otherwise the algorithm will not be able to do its calculations.
Apple App Store : download Android Play Store : download
Google Maps
Google Maps is a geographic internet service developed by Google, which allows the search and display of geographical maps accessible from a website or from mobile app. The application offers a series of ancillary services and, starting from the end of May, it allows you to check the price of petrol, diesel, LPG and methane stations. The service is still being expanded.Apple App Store : download Android Play Store : download
Petrol prices
Petrol prices is probably the most famous application among them, and is available for free on Android and iOS. In this case the main function is not the calculation of fuel consumption or the analysis of driving style, but it is a simple mirror that shows us all the nearby service areas with the relative price of the various fuels offered, thus allowing us to choose the cheaper without having to visit them all to evaluate the prices.The application is equipped with a map that allows you to navigate to the chosen petrol station and offers a series of filters by type of fuel – petrol, diesel, LPG or methane, mainly – so as to clean up the price map of fuels that do not interest us. It is a valuable weapon for all those who burn fossil fuels in their cars, but even more for those who travel on LPG or methane, fuels which can become difficult to find, especially in large cities. Prices Petrol then declined in various applications dedicated to the price of CNG, the price of LPG and also developed an application dedicated to the so-called white pumps, petrol pumps that do not belong to a major brand.
Apple App Store : download Android Play Store : download
Simply Auto
Simply Auto is among the most downloaded applications in this area, and is available on both iPhone and on Android devices. This application, similar to Drivvo, acts as a digital notebook and allows us, in a very quick and intuitive way, to write down all the expenses relating to our car, from the fuel purchased to ordinary and extraordinary maintenance. Once the required data has been entered, the application will be able to create graphs and calculate statistics to optimize consumption and costs; it takes a moment to familiarize yourself with the graphical interface, but once you pass the first hurdle Simply Auto turns into a valuable tool for all drivers.Apple App Store: download Android Play Store: download
Via Michelin
Via Michelin has also become an application, after having guided us for years thanks to its maps; today the application is even richer in functions dedicated to organizing a trip in all its aspects, including refueling. Via Michelin will guide us along the shortest and fastest route, avoiding heavy traffic if possible and allowing us very useful calculations on consumption and costs: by entering the model of our car it will be easy to calculate when and where to refuel, and at that point the application will be able to guide us to the most convenient and cheapest distributor. Furthermore, thanks to its experience in the field, the application will also be able to provide us with useful information about restaurants and places to eat, so as to make the journey even more pleasant.The Via Michelin application is available free of charge on Android and iOS.
Apple App Store : download Android Play Store : download
Also Waze, the famous navigation application available on Android and iOS, it is equipped with a convenient petrol station search function with relative prices. To search, simply touch the search bar at the top of the screen which gives access to the section dedicated to the service areas. It is possible to view the distributors directly on the map or consult a list that provides various useful information such as the price charged, the distance from the point where you are and the time of the last price update.Apple App Store : Download Android Play Store : Download