All Sergio Bonelli Editore releases of April 2023

All releases Sergio Bonelli Editore of March 2023
Dragonero The Heroes – Myrva Dampyr – Vampires, Demons and Legends Mister No – Adventure in Manaus Commissioner Ricciardi – A case of no importance and others stories Tex – Proteus (New Edition) The complete calendar of Sergio Bonelli Editori releases for April 2023 The best Sergio Bonelli Editori releases for MarchDragonero The Heroes – Myrva
Authors: Luca Enoch and Diego BonessoFormat: 72 pages – 22×30 cm, B/W, hardcover
Price: €18.00
Third title in the series dedicated to Heroes of the World created by Luca Enoch and Stefano Vietti. A series of black and white volumes that each present an adventure centered on one of the protagonists of Dragonero. In this volume we will discover the role played by Myrva, Dragonero's younger sister, in dealing with the first signs of the invasion of creatures from the underworld known as Abominii. Together with her partner Eija and a group of dwarf warriors, in the subsoil of Silveridhe Myrva will fight the horde of monsters, with the inseparable Combined weapon held tightly in her hands.
Dampyr – Vampires, Demons and Legends
Authors: Jacopo Camagni, Marco B. Bucci, Eleonora C. Caruso, Flavia Biondi, Giulio Macaione and Stefano MartinuzFormat: 80 pages – 22 x 30 cm, color, hardcover
Price: €18.00
The second of the four volumes of Simulacri arrives, the series created by the talented duo Bucci-Camagni, which transports us to the heart of a plot that blends mystery and sentimental drama. The past comes to the surface and no secret can stay hidden for long. When Lily discovers the tragic past that unites her new friends on the island of Elba, she will find herself involved in an increasingly distressing and controversial situation. Everyone has their own vision, but all versions of what happened seem far-fetched. Where is the truth hiding?
Mister No – Adventure in Manaus
Authors: Guido Nolitta and Roberto DisoFormat: 160 pages, 19 x 26 cm, B/W, hardcover
Price: € 23.00
The adventures of Manaus' most reckless pilot come to life in the pages of this new volume, in a long story signed by the creator of the character Guido Nolitta, alias Sergio Bonelli, and Roberto Diso, undisputed master in giving shape to the adventures of Mister No. There are always strange types in Manaus. One of the most particular is James Newman, a comic book author, in love with the strip Terry and the Pirates by Milton Caniff. Newman wants Mister No to guide him through the Amazon jungle to find ideas for new stories. He is looking for adventure, and who better than Mister No can help him find it?
Commissioner Ricciardi – A case of no importance and other stories
Authors: Maurizio de Giovanni, Sergio Brancato, Paolo Terracciano, Claudio Falco, Alessandro Nespolino and Luigi SiniscalchiFormat: 128 pages – 19 x 26 cm B/W, hardcover
Price: €20.00
Four black and white stories that reveal the soul of the characters created by Maurizio de Giovanni . The story of a strange day of the usher Ponte Sabatino. An investigation by Commissioner Ricciardi in which Umberto II and his wife are involved, on vacation in Posillipo. A love story that blossomed in the medieval district of Terra Murata and was interrupted by a tragic death. A case that tells the reasons for a possible crime in the magical scenery of the island of Procida.
Tex – Proteus (New Edition)
Authors: Gianluigi Bonelli, Claudio Nizzi and Guglielmo LetteriFormat: 384 pages – 16 x 21 cm, B/W, column
Price: € 16.00
Throughout his career, Tex Willer has had many enemies. Among them, one of the most dangerous and elusive is Proteus, a quick-change robber capable of assuming any type of appearance. The volume that collects the adventures in which Aquila della Notte finds himself grappling with the Machiavellian outlaw returns in a new edition, in a series of challenges fought on the edge of cunning, disguise after disguise.
The complete calendar of Sergio Bonelli Editori releases for April 2023
01 AprilZagor 693 – Vendetta Seminole (mini cover Zagor 1)
Zagor 693 – Vendetta Seminole (coverlet Zagor 84)
Julia 295 – Looking for Irma (coverlet Julia 1)
Julia 295 – Looking for Irma (coverlet Julia 19)
April 04
Dampyr 277 – Radio Vampira (mini cover Dampyr 1)
Dampyr 277 – Radio Vampira (mini cover Dampyr 17)
History of the West 49 – The Lost River (mini cover History of the West 1)
History of the West 49 – The Lost River (mini cover History of the West 46)
05 April
Super Tex 18 – Nel Covo dei Razziatori (mini cover Tex 300)
Super Tex 18 – Nel Covo dei Razziatori (mini cover Tex 400)
07 April
Tex 750 – Return to Redrock (mini cover cover Tex 1)
Tex 750 – Return to Redrock (mini cover Tex 181)
Tex Classic 159 – The Village of Ghosts
Dragonero The Heroes – Myrva
08 april
Dragonero Mondo Oscuro 6 – Isle of the Orcs (mini cover Dragonero 1)
Dragonero Mondo Oscuro 6 – Isle of the Orcs (mini cover Dragonero 77)
11 April
Martin Mystere 398 – The Evil Queen (mini cover Martin Mystere 1)
Martin Mystere 398 – The Evil Queen (mini cover Martin Mystere 100)
April 12
Cult Stories 126: Davy Crockett – Night Attack
April 13
Dylan Dog Oldboy 18 – Wastelands/The Devil in Heaven (mini cover Dylan Dog 26)
Dylan Dog Oldboy 18 – Terre Desolate/Il Diavolo in Paradiso (mini cover Dylan Dog 234)
14 April
Zagor Classic 50 – A Difficult Adversary
April 15
Tex New Reissue 492 – Little Big Horn
April 18
Nathan Never 383 – At the Edge of the Galaxy (mini cover Nathan Never Giant 1)
Nathan Never 383 – At the Edge of the Galaxy (mini cover Nathan Never 1)
19 April
Tex Willer 54 – Mission of Blood (mini cover Tex 83)
Tex Willer 54 – Mission of Blood (Tex Willer mini cover 1)
21 April
Dampyr – Vampires, Demons and Legends
Mister No – Adventure in Manaus
22 April
Dragonero The Mythical Adventures 6 – Escape to Freedom (mini cover Dragonero Comic Book)
Dragonero The Mythical Adventures 6 – Escape to the Freedom (mini cover Dragonero Adventures 1)
27 April
Tutto Tex 625 – The Chains of Guilt
28 April
Commissario Ricciardi – A case unimportant and other stories
Tex – Proteus (New Edition)
All releases Sergio Bonelli Editore of March 2023
Eternity Volume 2 – Metaphoric Ruins Visited by TouristsAuthors: Alessandro Bilotta and Matteo Mosca
Format: 72 pages – 22 x 30 cm, color, hardcover
Price: € 17.00
Second chapter for the new series by Alessandro Bilotta, which sets the story of Alceste Santacroce, an elegant and somewhat snobbish journalist of a weekly gossip magazine, in a future Rome. Between cinema, fashion, TV and politics, the fresco of a chaotic contemporary Hell. Tito Forte was a television star, but today his star no longer shines and a new show threatens to push him into the abyss. The curious Alceste Santacroce approaches Tito aware that there is always something behind the life of an apparently blameless man.
Simulacra Volume 2 – Squarci
Authors: Jacopo Camagni, Marco B. Bucci, Eleonora C. Caruso, Flavia Biondi, Giulio Macaione and Stefano Martinuz
Format: 80 pages – 22 x 30 cm, color, hardcover
Price: €18.00
The second of the four volumes of Simulacri is coming, the series created by the talented duo Bucci-Camagni, which transports us to the heart of a plot that blends mystery and sentimental drama. The past comes to the surface and no secret can stay hidden for long. When Lily discovers the tragic past that unites her new friends on the island of Elba, she will find herself involved in an increasingly distressing and controversial situation. Everyone has their own vision, but all versions of what happened seem far-fetched. Where is the truth hiding?
Dragonero – Women of the Erondar
Authors: Luca Enoch, Stefano Vietti, Walter Trono, Salvatore Porcaro, Luca Malisan, Gianluigi Gregorini, Antonella Platano and Giuseppe De Luca
Format: 400 pages – 16 x 21 cm, B/W, column
Price: €16.00
An anthology of stories selected for celebrate the female protagonists and co-protagonists of the fantasy universe created by Stefano Vietti and Luca Enoch. A series of epic adventures experienced firsthand by the proud and indomitable women of the world of Dragonero: from the sensual Wolf of Vetwadart to the cruel Huntress of the Southern Kingdoms Na'Weh, from the vampire-sorceress Aura to the courageous Sera, passing through many other familiar faces of the fantasy comic saga most loved in Italy!
Tex Willer – On Upper Missouri
Authors: Mauro Boselli and Pasquale Del Vecchio
Format: 336 pages – 19 x 26 cm, B/W, hardcover
Price: €26.00
New appointment with the series dedicated to the young Tex Willer. A series of fast-paced adventures, between shootings, ambushes and cross-revenges. While Kit Carson chases a murderer, Tex, grappling with the problems of his friend Birdy, discovers that, despite having eliminated the ringleader, Mr. Tirrell, the troubles are not over for him in the desolate territory without city or law of Montana, between Trappers, Blackfoot, Crow and the snowy wilderness of the North.
Dylan Dog – Black Horror
Authors: Tiziano Sclavi, Corrado Roi and Giovanni Freghieri
Format: 416 pages – 16 x 21 cm, B/W, column
Price: € 16.00
A collection of episodes from the series of Specials, with only one common denominator: the blackest horror! On the shores of Loch Ness the Horror Club meets... six storytellers of black fairy tales challenge each other to the last thrill. What will be the most terrifying story? In Buffalora people live, die and live again… What is the secret of resurrections? The writer H. P. Boone has signed his last page and death has come to get him… but for what reason does a dark force bring him back?