Will Smith congratulates the new "Prince of Bel-Air" actor

It's good that there are competent offspring. But when Jabari Banks got out of bed a few days ago, he shouldn't have expected that he would be this offspring and that a message would change his life. Will Smith made it his business to personally congratulate the young actor on his role as the new "Prince of Bel-Air".
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A young talent and the role of his life
The streaming provider Peacock is not only responsible for the reboot of the series, he also shared the video about Smith and Banks on their YouTube channel. Smith telephones Banks and congratulates him on the role of Will in the "Bel Air" reboot. As to be expected, Banks can hardly believe his luck and struggles for words:"A dream of mine is coming true. You cannot imagine [what it is like]. [Although,] you probably can. You know how it feels. The show has influenced me and my life so much. It's going to be an incredible experience, "said Banks, beaming with joy.
Just as it could be the case for Banks, the role of Prince of Bel-Air was a career starter for Smith, who certainly means a lot to him to this day. Not least because the role bore his name and was loosely based on Will Smith as a person.
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Interactive films contribute to the development of video games. We have unearthed for you why this is so. var lstExcludedArticleTicker = '1379024,1369151,1378622'; Incidentally, the reboot should go in a slightly different direction than the original. The video embedded above serves as a model that generated a lot of attention two years ago when it asked what "The Prince of Bel-Air" might look like in 2019.The video is significantly more serious and dramatic than the original and should therefore be interesting for fans of the sitcom as well as for newbies. But there is no release date for "Bel-Air" yet.
Source: Peacock