Skyrim: Mods make hardware work up a sweat - Skyrim has never been so beautiful and unplayable

The Elder Scrolls 5: Skyrim is almost exactly ten years old. Nevertheless, it is still very popular with the fans. This is mainly due to the extremely active modding scene, which is always trying to drill the graphics of the RPG properly. A fan shows how good Skyrim can look thanks to mods.jsIvwCode = "g_vgz_ArticlePage_ImageCarousel_Games", iSiteId = "260", adblockLink = "/ e-commerce-theme-223039 / news / best-deals-offers- gaming-games-1369151 / ", adblockLinkText =" Daily Deals • Amazon Spetember offers (including monitors, games, storage media, gaming accessories, SSDs, gaming chairs, etc.) • MS Flight Simulator XSX € 56.99 • Samsung Odyssey G7 32 "Curved WQHD 240Hz € 499 • Audible 3 months for € 0.99 • 10 Blu-rays for € 50 [advertising]"; picture gallery (enlarge view for source information) The gallery will be downloaded ...
imageList13791140 = [{"IMGPOS": 1, "URL": "/ screenshots / 970x546 / 2021/09 / Skyrim-1 - pc-games.jpg", "ID": "3542371", "TITLE": "We have linked the complete mod list for you in the text. (1) [Source: Bethesda]"}, {"IMGPOS": 2, "URL": "/ screenshots / 970x546 / 2021/09 / Skyrim-2 - pc-games.jpg "," ID ":" 3542372 "," TITLE ":" We have linked the complete mod list for you in the text. (2) [Source: Bethesda] "}, { "IMGPOS": 3, "URL": "/ screenshots / 970x546 / 2021/09 / Skyrim-3 - pc-games.jpg", "ID": "3542373", "TITLE": "The complete mod list we have linked for you in the text. (3) [Source: Bethesda] "}, {" IMGPOS ": 4," URL ":" / screenshots / 970x546 / 2021/09 / Skyrim-5 - pc-games.jpg "," ID ":" 3542375 "," TITLE ":" We have linked the complete mod list for you in the text. (5) [Source: Bethesda] "}, {" IMGPOS ": 5," URL ": "/screenshots/970x546/2021/09/Skyrim-4--pc-games.jpg","ID":"3542374","TITLE": "We have linked the complete mod list for you in the text ) [Source: Bethesda] "}, {" URL ":" "," ID ": 2," TITLE ":" Advertisement "}, {" URL ":" "," ID " : 1, "TITLE": "More Galleries"}]; In a post he shows how beautiful and realistic The Elder Scrolls 5: Skyrim (buy now € 69.95 / € 26.99) can look. Among other things, improved light and shadow effects are used to ensure authentic lighting. In addition, there is a mix of drilled textures in 2K and 4K resolution, which significantly increases the level of detail in the game world. In addition, some mods are used for the general movement of the character as well as for the camera perspective, which also affects the immersion.
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The following mods were necessary for the graphics in the video, among others:
JediTrees, Origins of Forest Folkvangr, Cg4 - 3DTrees & Plants Beyond Skyrim: Bruma (Steel Ax) BDO Valoren (Armor + Wig) Apachii Divine Elegance Store (White Shawll) Vivid Weathers ELFX NAT Natkv 6 ENB (Personak Tweak / Performance Heavy A complete list of mods and other screenshots can be found on IMGUR.
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