Nier: disharmonica's Kaine cosplay is very faithful to the original

Nier is one of the sagas risen from the ashes during the last generation. After the subdued departure of the first Nier, Automata has allowed the franchise to have new life, with a mobile game and a remaster version of the first chapter, much loved by fans especially for its characters. One example is warrior Kaine, who was recreated with a disharmonica cosplay.dishamornica, a famous cosplayer, recreated Kaine's costume as faithfully as possible. The cosplay of the character of Nier Replicant is excellently made, both as regards the costume and as regards the weapon. You should also not ignore the pose chosen by disharmonica, which reflects the aggression and the swagger typical of Kaine.
If you are a fan of Nier, then you should not miss the cosplay of 2B by anastasia.komori is revealed with three different costumes. Sarah.tonin99's 2B cosplay also peers into your soul. How not to mention the 2B cosplay by alco.loli is seductive. We close the offer with the 2B cosplay signed 流雲 it is one of the best ever.
Changing gender, let's talk instead the cosplay of Triss by natsumi shows a perfect green dress. Here, however, the cosplay of Mona by alco.loli shows us what we have never seen. We close with the cosplay of Eula from fraulein.milk seems out of the game.
Tell us, what do you think of the Kaine cosplay made by disharmonica? Has the character of Nier Replicant been recreated in the best way, or do you think you have seen better versions?
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Nier Creator Announces a New 'Table-Top RPG Video Game Built of Cards'
Square Enix has unveiled Voice of Cards: The Isle Dragon Roars, the next project from Nier's Yoko Taro.
Taro collaborators like Yosuke Saito, Keiichi Okabe, and Kimihiko Fujisaka are also on the project. Saito and Okabe work on the Nier series, while Fujisaka has worked on the Drakengard franchise.
The game is described as a table-top RPG video game built of cards. A short teaser was revealed on Twitter, but it is light on details other than the title and the creators involved.
While it's called a table-top RPG, it's still apparently a video game.
Have you played Nier Replicant ver.1.22474487139...?
Last month, Yoko Taro confirmed he was the creative director of a brand-new Square Enix game, during a press conference for Nier Replicant ver. 1.22474487139. He didn't say much about the game, besides saying his new project was, “difficult to explain,” and a “somewhat unusual game.” Seems on brand.
Taro is also the director of Nier Reincarnation, a mobile game that takes place in the same universe as the mainline Nier games. At the time of its release, Square Enix said it is important to make mobile games the same quality as console games to get the Western audience to accept them.
For more, check out what we thought of Taro's latest console game in our Nier Replicant review.
Logan Plant is a freelance writer for IGN. You can find him on Twitter @LoganJPlant.