The government is working on a new extension of simplified smart working

Easy mode now expires on April 30th. The government and the parties are considering extending it until the end of September to cover the vaccination period
Smartworking workstation Photo by Anete Lusina from Pexels The vaccination plan has reached 4.4 million people in Italy with two doses, but meanwhile, the deadline for the simplified corporate smart working regime is approaching. The amendments of the end of February to the Milleproroghe decree postponed the expiry of the facilitated procedure for the agile work of employees, from March 31 to April 30. Now the need to extend this modality until the autumn, introduced for the first time on March 1, 2020, by the former Conte bis government in the first days of the pandemic in Italy, is now being discussed within the government majority.At that time, the Prime Minister's decree (dpcm) granted the possibility of carrying out the massive telematic upload of smartworking communications, without having to go through individual agreements formally agreed between company and employee, as required by ordinary law (number 81 of 2017), which in the absence of an extension would return into force in just ten days. Such an eventuality would force companies to convene employees, to enter into a written agreement and a series of bureaucratic requirements which, given the circumstances, could create many problems.
The study would therefore include the extension of smartworking simplified until September 30, with a provision that should be included in the Sostegni 2 decree, according to what Il Sole 24 Ore reports. A working group would already have gathered around the minister of the game, Andrea Orlando. In the previous decree law of March 22, simplified smart working had been confirmed until June 30 only for fragile workers with severe disabilities.
However, if before the pandemic in Italy 570 thousand smartworkers were registered in March 2021, there are over 6 million. In the next six months, at least three million professionals will choose this modality, according to Randstad Research. Among the "smart" workers 2.1 million are employed in large companies, 1.1 million in SMEs, 1.5 million in micro-enterprises and over 1.8 million in public administration, according to the Smart Working Observatory of the Politecnico di Milan. In Italy, over 40% of workers during the pandemic worked exclusively from home. Only Ireland and Belgium had a higher percentage in the European Union, where the average was 34%.
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