Simplified smart working has been extended until 31 July

Simplified smart working has been extended until 31 July

The Reopening decree extends the duration of the special regime for agile work by another three months, which can be activated without individual individual agreements between employer and employee

Photo of Welcome to all and thank you for your visit!ツ from Pixabay Simplified smart working can continue for another three months: the government decided this in the “Reopening” decree on Thursday (52 of 2021), extending the deadline to 31 July. Until that date, companies and employers will be able to carry out the massive electronic upload of agile work communications, without having to go through formal individual agreements that would make the procedure more complicated, as required by law 81 of 2017, in force in the pre-Covid era. . The date of April 30, previously set by the Milleproroghe decree, which had extended the deadline of March 31 by just one month, is therefore skipped.

The extensions have become necessary from time to time due to the persistence of the coronavirus pandemic . The first provision in favor of simplified smart working was implemented with the decree of the President of the Council of Ministers on 1 March 2020, being reconfirmed from time to time by subsequent ones. The vaccination campaign began on January 5 in Italy, and the plan announced in March by the special commissioner set the goal of vaccinating at least 80% of the population by September, reaching a rate of 500,000 doses per day. At the moment, the people who have received the full dose are 5.2 million, so the state of emergency decreed as early as January 30, 2020, before the zero case of Codogno, has in turn been extended to July 31. So go ahead also with simplified agile work.

The Sostegni decree had in any case already protected people with disabilities and fragile categories, allowing this modality until June 30, but nothing had emerged about all the other workers. The situation is different for the school, in particular the higher school which, after months of distance learning, has been trying a taste of normality from 26 April. In the yellow and orange areas, there is a return to lessons in attendance from 70% to 100%, while in the red areas from 50 to 75%, although each region has issued ordinances to modulate the reopenings in different ways.

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