Generali invests in cyber-risk insurance for small businesses

Generali invests in cyber-risk insurance for small businesses

The new solution dedicated to commerce takes into account the dangers of cyber attacks and provides specific protections for SMEs

Marco Sesana, to Generali Italia (photo of the press office) If companies rely more and more on the internet for business continuity, insurance products also evolve to protect data, archives and devices: this is the case of Generali which has inserted an entire chapter dedicated to digital protection that includes electronic devices, software and cyber risk in the new Attiva Commercio platform aimed at SMEs, together with two other marco areas to protect the assets and activities of companies. The company intends to reach, with the new modular insurance proposal, 1.7 million companies in the trade, retail or wholesale, which employ 4.3 million workers (95% have fewer than ten employees), a subset of the 5, 2 million Italian SMEs that employ 20 million people in Italy and that in 80% of cases also played a decisive role in terms of welfare during the pandemic.

Now, to start again 37 % of companies intend to invest in ecommerce in the next two years: this is one of the five priorities identified among 1,600 companies by an Ipsos research, together with the need to maintain business continuity, encourage administrative simplification, invest in the protection of people and give push to export.

During the crisis, the share of companies that used digital services to interact with customers increased by 17%, reaching 39.2% of the total. Considering those with a turnover of less than 2.6 million euros, 62% have a website or app (but it was 50% in 2019) and 18% a company website for ecommerce (it was 10% two years ago). "Regardless of the size classes, companies have observed in 2020, and expect for the current year, a decrease in the share of turnover from offline sales and an increase in those from e-commerce, email and, to a lesser extent, other digital platforms. ", Explains Nando Pagnoncelli, CEO of Ipsos.

The 15 thousand agents in the area have the task of reaching the market target, carrying out risk assessments together with the possible customer, with the support of 600 Generali specialists, by compiling together the contract drawn up in 100% digital mode with the insured, who will be able to access his personal area to personalize it, regarding the areas of digital protection, activities and assets, at any time.

"Even a pastry laboratory that reinvents itself by doing online catering and cooking classes has several factors to protect: online reservations, digital payments, electronic invoices, data prop and those of customers ", observes Arianna Nardi, Generali's marketing director:" The digital prevention module allows you to defend the IT system from external attacks in a single contract, monitoring the corporate identity on the web and dark web, offering e-commerce guarantees for goods sold on online channels, reconstruction of archives for the resumption of activities, protection of electronic devices and damage to third party devices ".

The package includes investigations to suggest rescue interventions, economic protection for civil liability from cyber events in case of damage to third parties, from accidental damage due to atmospheric events, anti-theft solutions with variations for the internet of things , remote specialist assistance, intervention for interruption of activities and a ready lawyer.

"We want to be protagonists of the recovery together with SMEs and accompany them in all their needs, freeing the entrepreneur from managing unexpected events to concentrate on restarting" , declared Marco Sesana, CEO of Generali: “Our model for business development offers widespread advice on the territory and solutions with more prevention, assistance, services and digital; accompanies the made in Italy in the world and promotes a new more sustainable business culture, also bringing innovative skills to these entrepreneurs in loss prevention and cyber ”.

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