How the vaccine requirement for health professionals works

Doctors, nurses and pharmacists will be obliged to get vaccinated. Those who do not comply will be put to other duties or suspended until the end of the vaccination campaign without pay
(photo: Unsplash) The government has taken a line of extreme rigor against health workers who do not want to receive the vaccine, introducing the obligation. Those who do not get vaccinated will not be able to practice the profession and will be assigned to perform other duties by the employer. Should there be no alternative duties, the immediate unpaid suspension will be triggered. The suspension will only end once the vaccination has been carried out. Otherwise, its effects will continue until the completion of the vaccination plan and, for now, no later than December 31, 2021.The government's goal is to "protect public health and maintain adequate safety conditions in the provision of care and assistance services ". With the decree law of April 1, 2021, the Draghi government has imposed the obligation of the vaccine on all health professionals, including those who work in professional offices or pharmacies and parapharmacies. Only if an "ascertained health hazard" is certified, which depends on the individual's clinical condition, can the vaccination be postponed or not done. All the others cannot be exempted. Vaccination, the decree states, "constitutes an essential requirement for the exercise of the profession".
The lists to the authorities within 5 days
To proceed with the checks, within 5 days of entering force of the decree, the territorial professional associations and the employers of the health structures must transmit the list of members or employees, with the indication of the place of residence, to the region or autonomous province of reference.The call from the local health authorities within 10 days
In the next 10 days, the regions will have to report to the local health authorities all the names of health workers who are not vaccinated. At that point, the interested parties will be contacted by the local health authorities and will have to submit documentation demonstrating their right to exemption, for specific health conditions, or proof of vaccination within 5 days. If no documentation is presented, the ASL will invite interested parties to receive the vaccination, indicating the methods and terms within which to carry it out.Sanctions
Those who refuse will be sanctioned with the suspension from his duties. In this case he could be destined to carry out other tasks, away from other people to avoid the spread of the infection, with a consequent adjustment of the salary related to the new job. If these alternative duties are not available the suspension will be full and unpaid.Music - 44 minutes ago
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Coronavirus Vaccines vaccine AstraZeneca-Oxford Coronavirus vaccine Johnson & Johnson vaccine Vaccine Moderna Vaccine Pfizer BioNTech globalData.fldTopic = "Coronavirus, Vaccines, AstraZeneca-Oxford vaccine, Coronavirus vaccine, Johnson & Johnson vaccine, Moderna Vaccine, Pfizer BioNTech vaccine"
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