The Immuni app will allow you to independently report positivity to Covid-19

A user who has tested positive for the coronavirus will be able to independently report their positivity on Immuni thanks to a new feature. You will need the Cun present on the report and the last 8 numbers of the health card
(photo: Stefano Guidi / Getty Images) Immuni, the Italian application that notifies the user if he has come into contact with a person who tested positive for Covid -19, got the green light from the Privacy Guarantor to activate a new feature. The novelty will allow the user to independently activate the procedure necessary to alert close contacts if they have tested positive for the coronavirus.Users who have tested positive will no longer have to wait for the help of an external operator to report their own positivity to the national database. Instead, they will be able to independently enter - in the specific section of the Immuni app - the unique national code (Cun) that will be found on the positive swab report, together with the last 8 digits of the health card identification number. In this way the application will be faster in delivering notifications.
Once the data has been entered and verified by the system, Immuni will automatically analyze the temporary codes generated by the device when it comes into contact with the another device with Immuni installed. Where the contact with another user meets the requirements, the app will send an alert warning them that it has come into contact with a positive person.
Immune, once the uploaded data has been verified and the reports are sent to those users who have come into contact with the positive subject, will invalidate the Cun entered at the beginning of the procedure. In this way, the application will be able to avoid false reports made long after the release of the swab result.
The Privacy Guarantor has assessed the degree of privacy protection of positive subjects who decide to voluntarily report their positivity within the system, finally giving a positive response to its validation. The intentional self-report functionality will simplify the use of the contact tracing application.
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App contact tracing Coronavirus Immuni Italy Privacy globalData.fldTopic = "App contact tracing, Coronavirus, Immuni, Italy, Privacy"
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