The Count bis halved in Italy which does not find a leadership

The Count bis halved in Italy which does not find a leadership

The current crisis - and what will ensue - is the perfect metaphor for a country that cannot save itself, other than a "government of national salvation"

(photo: AM POOL / Roberto Monaldo / Getty Images) Everything will probably unlock in the next few hours, when Prime Minister Giuseppe Conte will go up to the Quirinale to resign and thus try to really sprout the famous fourth leg that supports his Ter executive, a step that would really project him - among the most imaginative alliances yellow something and the pandemic - in the history of the Republic's most long-lived and transformative premieres.

Yet Conte these days, despite having received twice the trust, one of which is very close (and relative) to the Senate , appeared as the commander of a ship that in the midst of the storm is no longer able to establish a course, not even to recover the timid and sketchy one up to that moment, and indeed risks any uncertainty to love mutation of a piece of the crew. After all, this is what is finally happening, with Pd and M5S that seem to have decided to push it more decisively into the hands of Sergio Mattarella, in order not to risk (again at Palazzo Madama, in the coming days) the shipwreck on the vote relating to the state of justice, the first useful pretext to vote against the Minister of Justice Alfonso Bonafede. Where even 156 votes in favor could be a mirage.

The developments seem clear: the "builders" (also called "willing") do not seem to reveal themselves. In line with the parliamentary tradition they want armchairs, ministries, undersecretariats, undergrowth of government and not too much. To do this, a reshuffle within the Bis is not enough, a new Ter government is needed in which to reassign every available space from scratch: as if at the first port in which to rest and at the change of sailors, the crew decided that all roles should be re-discussed. That the hub will be deputy commander, for example, and the cook will be helmsman. And he who knows if the captain will be able to stay in his place. After all, the lawyer's doubt is all here: it's not the government but the surprises around the corner.

The resignation would really help to break Forza Italia, recover some uncertain ones from Italia Viva, definitively convince a couple of UDC to give a minimum of extra reliability to a virtual majority headed by that senator who is no longer even worth mentioning? Nobody knows: the parliamentary groups will decide on the basis of what they will find on the plate and the maneuvers of the smartest. As always. Italy is a lover of the strong man, it is true, but on closer inspection it is allergic - also for the institutional structure - to true Merkel-style leadership: lasting, consistent, reliable, political in the strict sense. All this, of course, doesn't care what it really takes. Of the vaccines that do not arrive, of the campaign for the over 80s that slips by weeks if not months leaving millions of families in anguish, to develop a serious and reliable plan to be presented in time to Europe to start receiving the money of which we are first beneficiaries with 30% total of the Recovery Fund. And again to give continuity - but also sustainability: INPS, for example, already has a hole of 20 billion, more than 15 of which linked to last year's income support measures, the nodes are starting to come to a head - at transitional measures before the oxygen of the Commission's plan arrives, on which Europe itself puts its face for the next thirty years. One thing is certain: in these conditions each passage to the Senate risks slowing down the executive's action more than, perhaps, would happen by letting a short round of talks, a re-appointment and the launch of a Count Ter unravel quickly ( Renzi permitting) with the necessary parliamentary steps.

We would not last a minute longer, in the conditions in which the country finds itself, with organized crime that even more than in the past has now replaced the institutions in large sections of the territory, with the occupation in free fall at the end of the layoffs, with the European Union that in addition to the projects also asks for the right reforms (justice, corruption, public administration and others) to accompany them. And after all, even the project that Conte would rely on by resigning and looking for a kind of "government of national salvation" rests on very fragile foundations: the liberals on the right have always been half an illusion, reformism no longer means anything and Europeanism does not enough, although outside Europe we would not even know which way to look, in the midst of the pandemic that changed history. At this moment, true leadership would be needed, even in the confusion of a crisis: we will have to settle for a captain in half service, guarantor and hostage of an inefficient and unreliable institutional system, Quirinale excluded.

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