How many kilometers does an electric car go on a full tank?

Before starting, however, it is necessary to take a step back and explain what the term “WLTP” represents, which we always find together with the technical specifications of the chosen model. As explained in more detail in this article, the acronym WLTP represents a measurement methodology for detecting the consumption of a vehicle. This procedure is based on real driving data collected and helps simulate real driving conditions even under laboratory conditions. Is it a value close to reality? Almost or better it depends. From our tests, there are some cars that come tremendously close to that value, while others are more conservative. It should be noted that the tests performed to define the WLTP cycle of a car are carried out under precise conditions and at a constant speed.
Returning to the starting point, how many kilometers can you do with a full tank? As mentioned, there is no valid and precise answer, the autonomy varies from numerous conditions (including seasonal) and each model, based on the battery capacity, is able to offer a more or less high mileage. In general, the electric car</a> market is now quite large and compared to a few years ago there are models that are getting closer and closer to the range of endothermic proposals with, of course, some exceptions.
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Returning to the study, the average range of an electric car to date is about 400 kilometers while the maximum value is close to 700 km. These are important values which, however, do not yet come close to those relating to petrol cars which record an average of 640 km and a maximum of over 1,200 km. In other words, at the moment, an endothermic car offers on average almost 70% more range.
The study is updated year on year, so it cannot be ruled out that these results may undergo an upward adjustment over the next few months; after all we know, from previous experiences and news, that battery-powered proposals for more than 700 km are on the way, but it is also true that there are also models with just over 200 km of autonomy. | ); } The autonomy of the car which is closely linked to the size of the battery, is it possible to improve efficiency to get a few extra kilometers? Certainly, and we advise you to follow our advice especially in view of the first trips out of town which, thanks to the summer, could now be more than a simple mirage.
Electric cars: tips for summer
Summer is approaching and considering the summer temperatures we should soon be confronted with, it is good to know some little tricks to maintain adequate autonomy without running out in a shorter time than expected.Limit the use of air conditioning: keeping the car at an adequate temperature is everyone's priority, especially when you get back on board after having parked it in the sun for several hours. In this case, the advice is to slowly cool the car, perhaps during the journey, so as to be able to recover energy during the journey. Plan for use: electric cars are a concentrate of technology and generally an application is always available. Do you know when you will use it? Pre-cooled in time so as to have a more livable interior even in the phases of departure. Driving mode: it may seem trivial, but the driving style affects the range more than ever, leading to often drastically different results. We measured it ourselves in our tests by exchanging self-presses just to measure our efficiency. Having a "light foot" on electric cars is almost a must if you want to avoid going to the column too often. What needs to be done? Simple. Constant throttle, limited speeds and never abrupt acceleration. On the highway, in addition to occupying the freest lane on the right (advice that applies to everyone!), We suggest not to exceed 110 km / h. Regenerative braking: almost hand in hand with driving modes, we find regenerative braking. Saving kW is important, so leaving the accelerator pedal in time and sailing will certainly be a valuable aid. Trunk and parcel rack: summer is the ideal time for outdoor excursions. Anyone who has a dog or is fond of some sport will surely have found themselves in the condition of having little space on board and necessarily having to use parcel bars. The advice is simple: if you do not have loads on the roof, remove the roof rack: it can dramatically affect the range of the car. Park strategically: finding a free space in the shade in summer is a great challenge, both because the sun will run its course throughout the day, and because of the lack of trees or awnings capable of evenly covering the parking areas . If it is really not possible to park in the shade, the advice we give you is to use anachronistic sunshades to prevent the passenger compartment from overheating. Tires: also pay attention to the tires, incorrect inflation or the presence of an unsuitable tire could reduce autonomy. Fortunately this is not a problem, as almost all modern cars integrate a series of sensors capable of constantly measuring pressure; in any case, a check is always advisable. Solar panels: Some models on the market, such as Hyundai's beautiful Ioniq 5, have a series of solar panels. The gain in terms of km is naturally limited and not such as to drastically change the range, but if possible and available, remember to exploit them properly.