My Hero Academia: the cosplay of Himiko Toga from lit.miracle bewitches you with your eyes

My Hero Academia
My Hero Academia is one of the public favorite anime and manga of recent years. A big part of the credit goes to the characters, extremely deep and multifaceted. Not only the protagonists, the good guys, are interesting, though: even the villains have their own charm, above all Himiko Toga, a young (and crazy) girl. Now, lit.miracle offers us a new cosplay of Himiko Toga, ready to bewitch us with the eyes.As you can see in the Instagram image below, lit.miracle has opted for the black costume of Himiko Toga for his cosplay. The contact lenses chosen by the cosplayer manage to plunge us into the madness of the character of My Hero Academia, who is extremely lethal, as symbolized by the scene knife held by the girl.
Himiko Toga has had space in the sets several times of many cosplayers. We had already proposed, for example, the cosplay of Himiko Toga by nez: simple but effective; but also the cosplay of Himiko Toga from winchester: crazy as it should. Don't miss the previous cosplay of Himiko Toga by lit.miracle. Still on the My Hero Academia theme, here is the MT Lady cosplay by missbricosplay: it's simple and effective.
Changing genre, don't miss the Lisa di Pepper cosplay: it's perfectly made. Lisa's cosplay from Ladalyumos is also of great impact. How not to mention the cosplay of Evelyn from Ladalyumos: it's all curves and neon.