Bayonetta Origins: Cereza and the Lost Demon | Preview

Bayonetta Origins: Cereza and the Lost Demon | Preview

Bayonetta Origins

At the announcement of Bayonetta Origins: Cereza and the Lost Demon, which took place during The Game Awards last December, I felt a fair amount of enthusiasm, embracing this PlatinumGames-branded experiment without any reservations. Reshuffling the cards on the table of a franchise that after the second episode ran into the difficulty of finding an identity that would lead it to evolve, and not just to improve, is an excellent sign as regards the tranquility of the team when it works under the wing of Nintendo.

Let's add that having studied Bayonetta 3 sufficiently, I had the opportunity to discover the short but delicious secret chapter that served as a teaser for this game. So my surprise was more related to the speed with which this production showed up rather than its actual existence.

if (jQuery("#crm_srl-th_gamedivision_d_mh2_1").is( ":visible")) { } if (jQuery("#crm_srl-th_gamedivision_d_bx2_1").is(":visible")) { } Understandable however that someone may struggle to understand the need for this prequel of the series, especially in the light of a third chapter overflowing but at the same time more than perfectible. Between more or less interesting controversies and lethargic expectations, the echo of the words of a Hideki Kamiya ready to carry on Bayonetta for an indefinite number of chapters could hardly make us think of a project so distant from the PlatinumGames DNA, although still attributable in its own way.

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