Street Fighter 2, the Chun-Li cosplay from allecakes has the right measurements

Street Fighter 2
Chun-Li, the legendary Chinese fighter who made her debut in Street Fighter 2, several years ago, is the protagonist of the splendid cosplay made by allecakes, who seems to have the right measures to take on the role of the character.Graphic style or not, Chun-Li has in fact always been visually represented with very muscular legs, not surprisingly among his special moves the flurry of kicks and the iconic Spinning Bird Kick stand out, with which he beaten many opponents in the arcade and not.
Moreover, the character is also present in Street Fighter 6 (here the exclusive interview with the director), in a more mature but not thin version: his legs d 'steel are still in place.
Speaking of Chun-Li, the eastern warrior was played by Meg Turney not too long ago, and with excellent results.
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Street Fighter 6 release date speculation, leaks, and more
Want to learn more about the Street Fighter 6 release date? We’ve known it exists for some time now,, but we finally had a chance to look at some Street Fighter 6 gameplay at Sony’s State of Play event. Street Fighter 5 was heavily criticised at launch for its lack of playable content outside of Versus mode and while this satisfied most high level players, casual players found there was very little to keep them entertained.
Capcom has taken its time developing Street Fighter 6 to ensure they don’t repeat the same mistakes again. It features a brand new single player story mode which gives players a chance to explore Metro City as a custom fighter. The Street Fighter 6 release date isn’t set to launch until next year at the earliest, but it’s clear the fighting game is in a good place at this point in development.
Street Fighter 6 release date speculationStreet Fighter 6 is scheduled to release in 2023 on PC, Xbox Series X|S, PlayStation 4, and PlayStation 5. An official date hasn’t been finalised yet, though if the current state of the game is anything to go by, we expect to see the Street Fighter 6 release date before Q3 2023.
Street Fighter 6 World Tour modeThe Street Fighter 6 announcement trailer dropped at the beginning of June, showing off different locations within Metro City, including Abigail’s Scrap Yard, the underground subway system, and a local gym filled with fighters. World Tour mode gives players the chance to roam Metro City like it’s an open-world game.
We don’t have much information about World Tour mode just yet, but according to the Street Fighter 6 blog, players can “carve out your [their] own legend on the streets”. We also know players can customise the hooded character featured heavily in the trailer with different outfits from the Battle Hub.
At the end of the World Tour segment, the main character appears to get into a fight with a stranger, switching the perspective to the traditional battle view. The stranger also appears to be a custom character as they don’t have any of the general flourishes of a real character. Capcom says the World Tour mode is going to defy genre labels, which could mean we see some side scrolling beat ’em up action for the first time in the Street Fighter series.
We’ve also had official confirmation from the Capcom Twitter account that Street Fighter 6 does in fact take place after Street Fighter 3: Third Strike, making it the first game to progress the story in over 20 years.
Street Fighter 6’s Battle Hub is the main area where players engage and communicate with each other. This location was briefly shown off in the announcement trailer, and it looks like Capcom may be teasing a few surprising additions to the game. We also got a glimpse of the Body Shop, which appears to be an in-game store that gives players access to clothing for their avatars.
Popular fighting game YouTuber, Maximilian Dood analysed high resolution screenshots of the Battle Hub, revealing a number of upcoming characters and Street Fighter-themed arcade cabinets. The Battle Hub contains a screenshot of Cammy fighting against Guile in Street Fighter 6. Shortly after this discovery, Guile was officially announced a few days later.
At a first glance, the arcade cabinets look like placeholder items to fill the Battle Hub, but there’s some speculation that older Street Fighter games may be available to play in this area. Players can walk inside the Battle Hub, and there appear to be stairs leading up to the ‘Game Center’ which houses the arcade cabinets. To add fuel to the fire, there are Street Fighter Alpha 2 and Super Puzzle Fighter II Turbo cabinets on offer.
There’s also the ‘Event Counter’, an area dedicated to tournament play. Taking a closer look at the Event Counter logo reveals a tournament bracket with the names of new and returning Street Fighter characters. Head over to our Street Fighter 6 roster guide to discover which characters have been officially confirmed.
Here are the names of the Street Fighter 6 characters featured in the tournament bracket:
A first for the mainline series, the Modern Control Type makes it easy to play Street Fighter without having to learn combos and special moves. Instead of pressing multiple buttons to perform a special move, the modern control scheme simplifies this action to just a single button.
Using Ryu as an example, players can perform all four of his special moves by pressing one button alongside a directional input. The same thing also applies to Super Arts, except you need to press two buttons simultaneously. As for combos, players have access to four assisted combos performed by holding down a modifier and tapping a button.
There are some downsides to this control system, however. Players won’t have access to a character’s full range of tools if they use the modern control type, and it’s currently unknown how this system works with charge characters. It’s unlikely someone using this new control scheme can compete against high level players using traditional controls.
Street Fighter 6 CrossplayStreet Fighter 6 is going to feature crossplay between PlayStation, Xbox, and PC according to Maximillian Dood. If the online matchmaking works anything like Street Fighter 5, players have the option to disable cross play if it causes any network issues. In addition to this, GameSpot’s Tamoor Hussain has also confirmed that Street Fighter 6 uses rollback net code.
The Drive System in Street Fighter 6 reintroduces mechanics from previous Street Fighter games and ties them all together using a single gauge. Both fighters begin each round with their Drive Gauge filled with six Drive Stocks.
Players have access to five techniques using the Drive System in Street Fighter 6:
Perform a powerful strike that can absorb an opponent’s incoming attack. If you use Drive Impact on an opponent trapped in the corner, you can force your opponent into a wall splat state, even if they block the attack. Drive Impact costs one Drive Stock.
Drive ParryNegate the damage of your opponent’s attacks and replenish some of your Drive Gauge when performed successfully. Time your Drive Parry right before an opponent’s attack lands to perform a Perfect Parry, creating a slow down effect to land a punishing combo. Drive Parry continuously drains your Drive Gauge depending on how long you’re in the parry state.
Drive ReversalWhile blocking an opponent’s attack, perform a Drive Reversal to execute a counterattack, pushing back the opponent while dealing a small amount of damage. Drive Reversal costs two Drive Stocks.
Drive RushDash forward after a Drive Parry or cancelable normal attack to create devastating combos. Drive Rush from a Drive Parry costs one Drive Stock, but the same technique costs three Drive Stocks when performed from a normal attack.
Overdrive ArtOverdrive Art is similar to the EX Special Moves system used in the previous Street Fighter games. Press two of the same button type instead of one to execute a stronger version of a special move. Overdrive Art costs two Drive Stocks.
Prior to the launch of Street Fighter 5, Capcom staged a number of network tests on console and PC to improve the game’s net code ahead of launch. It’s highly likely Capcom stages network tests for Street Fighter 6 before the game launches to ensure the net code is perfect.
Street Fighter 5 was heavily criticised for its poor net code at launch, a problem that took years to address. With Street Fighter 6 being developed using the RE Engine – an engine not known for its online capabilities – Capcom might perform a network test across all systems to test the waters.
That’s everything you need to know about the Street Fighter 6 release date so far. If you’re looking for more great games, definitely check out our upcoming games list to discover something new. We also have a list of the best multiplayer games if you want something to scratch that competitive itch.