Let's discover the Shanks crew in the new One Piece Film Red promo

Meet the Shanks crew in the new One Piece Film Red promo
The Pirates of the Red are the crew led by Shanks. The Jolly Roger of the crew consists of a skull superimposed on two swords. The left eye of the skull is marked with a three-cut scar, just like the one Shanks has.Here below the promo video:
☠️ # 赤 髪 海賊 団 ☠️
シ ョ ー ト 動画 &
ボ イ ス キ ャ ス ト 解禁 !!
【赤 髪 海賊 団】 が FILM RED で 集結!
新 た に キ ャ ス ト 情報 も 解禁‼ ️
ま だ ま だ 謎 の 多 い 彼 ら の
ス ク リ ー ンで の 活躍 に ご 期待 く だ さ い! #OP_FILMRED #ONEPIECE pic.twitter.com/JKKSODVHdD
- 『ONE PIECE FILM RED』 【公式】 (@OP_FILMRED) June 10, 2022
One Piece Film Red: the details of the animated film
The unpublished characters created by the pencil of Eiichiro Oda, Uta (daughter of Shanks “The Red”) and Gordon, will be respectively voiced in the original by Kaori Nazuka and Kenjiro Tsuda. While she sings, Uta will be played by the singer ADO.
One Piece, the manga and the anime
One Piece is a shonen manga written and drawn by Eiichiro Oda through the pages of Weekly Shonen Jump (Shueisha) since 1997. In Italy, the series is published by Star Comics with 100 volumes available.The franchise's 14th and recent animated film, One Piece Stampede, was released in Japan in August 2019 with an active earning of more than 10 billion yen worldwide. The animated film celebrated the anime's 20th anniversary and was screened and distributed in the same way in Italy by Anime Factory and Koch Media Italia on October 24, 2019.