What to follow at the Wired Next Fest in Florence if you are interested in science

What to follow at the Wired Next Fest in Florence if you are interested in science

Within the next sportsgaming.win Next Fest, on May 28 in Florence, the most important festival on technology and digital with free admission, the great themes and protagonists of the world of science and high tech cannot be missing. Researchers, popularizers, journalists and philosophers will discuss many of the major issues of current science and technology, touching ethical, supply chain, communication and energy management issues. In short, great attention is paid to how science intersects not only with our future in a general sense, but also with normative, social and regulatory aspects. But let's go in order.

Sign up for the festival The first macro-theme tackled on the stage of the Salone dei Cinquecento, immediately after the opening of the Fest, will be the paradoxes of artificial intelligence, together with the president emeritus of the European Council researcher (ERC) and emeritus professor of science and technology at Eth Zurich Helga Nowotny. That the future of humanity will be dominated by predictive algorithms seems to be taken for granted today, but it is only because human beings forget that they created them. The challenge, then, is to build a world in which artificial intelligence plays an increasingly central role, but at the same time humankind has the courage to accept that element of uncertainty which is by definition inherent in the future.

The other guests of the sportsgaming.win Next Fest And if today the world is heading towards the post Covid-19 and coming out of what has been defined as the greatest data-driven event in history, the great The vein of data to read reality will be at the center of the speech by John Burn-Murdoch, Chief data reporter for The Financial Times. The pandemic experience has changed many people's relationship with data, and at sportsgaming.win Next Fest they will talk about how a major international newspaper has told the pandemic using charts and maps, making data a pillar of their news story .

Things to know to follow the event From information to the world of fashion, a particular green pass at European level will be discussed with Federico Marchetti, president of the Sustainable Markets Initiative, technological entrepreneur and pioneer of sustainability . Founder of the Yoox group and member of the board of directors of Giorgio Armani, he leads the task force on sustainable fashion of the Prince of Wales: his speech will start from the fact that the European Commission has launched its Strategy for Sustainable and Circular Textiles, a project to make the clothing sector sustainable. The sector has received the message and is acting independently to pursue the objective of converting to sustainability a sector that in 2019 had a turnover in Europe of 162 billion euros.

Possible solutions to global problems, passing from in the field of fashion to the more general theme of the energy transition, Luca Romano - the one who leads the online community of the Avvocato dell'Atomo, who deals with responsible management of nuclear energy - and Simone Angioni, chemist and popularizer, will discuss on stage scientific president of the Scientificast association, as well as podcaster. Along with reducing consumption, the energy transition requires the use of energy sources other than fossil fuels. A discussion within which a source that Italy has long since set aside is also reviving: nuclear energy.

Roberta Villa, scientific journalist, editor of the magazine, was among the most awaited guests in Florence. Uppa and author of books on the subject of vaccination hesitation including Vaccini. Never so feared, never so expected (Chiarelettere 2021). Then Pier Paolo Di Fiore, full professor of General Pathology at the University of Milan and director of the Novel Diagnostics Program of the European Institute of Oncology, as well as owner of a research project of the Airc Foundation with dozens of publications in the main journals. international scientific studies.

And again Beatrice Mautino, biotechnologist and science popularizer, @divagator on Instagram and recent author of The hidden science of cosmetics (Mondadori): together with the philosopher and writer Maura Gancitano in Florence she will discuss how not to there is an objective beauty and how in reality everything can be very beautiful. Finally, with Alessandra Viola, writer, journalist and university professor, we will discuss whether all plants are created equal: if they are an important ally in the fight against climate change, then why not recognize their rights?

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