Play 2022: what to do on Sunday 22

Play 2022
Last day for Play Festival del Gioco 2022, but no less important from the point of view of events and contents. The final day of the event will greet its guests with some significant events, such as the celebration of the 40 years of life of the game book in Italy and the usual and highly anticipated Epic of Dungeons & Dragons.Not only conferences and special events, being today the last day of the fair, it could be a good day for hunters of irreducible offers or those who want to try some demos in the different tables and stands. the unmissable ones.
Soundtracks for RPGs: creation and use in game
Sunday 22 at 10:00Gallery - GAL 6
To answer all these interesting questions will be Paolo Farina, or Son of a Die, and the intellectual property lawyer Francesco De Rugeriis.
In the panel it will be possible to listen to some excerpts from some soundtracks composed by Son of a Die, including those of Fabula Ultima by NeedGames, Farsight by Lightfish Games and Crystal Saga by Andrea Lucca. To participate in the event, you must register at this link.
From Year 0 to Year X - Forty years of Italian Librogame
Sunday 22 at 11:30 amGallery - GAL.15
The game book turns 40: what has changed in Italy over the past 4 decades?
Francesco Di Lazzaro, reconstructs the whole history of the genre, in the Italian publishing sector starting from Tante stories to play by Gianni Rodari and Edward Packard's Island Adventures to date.
Fey Chen's Trading Post
Sunday 22 at 12:00Exterior - Tavern
Starting Sunday 12:00, just before the Epic, the merchant Fey Chen will allow you to trade items with other adventurers of your equals and will also tempt you with exclusive rarities.
To participate you will need to have your card and your logsheet with you, as everything you put in your backpack and everything you give away must be registered in order to be used immediately. If you miss the appointment with Fey Chen, do not despair, if the events were to be propitious, you could find him from 18:00 to 18:30 at the end of the Epic
Legends of Dungeons & Dragons
Sunday 22 at 12:00Gallery - GAL.6
The annual point on Dungeons & Dragons in the company of Christian “Zoltar” Bellomo of Sage Advice. During this panel, the latest news of the most famous role-playing game in the world will be explored by talking about their authors and how their life has changed thanks to a great passion. We will discover the potential of a game that could motivate you to a fantastic adventure: the one of your life.
To participate just register for free at this link.
Board Games That Tell Stories
Sunday 22 at 13:30Gallery - Gal 15
The book collects a selection of 35 of the game designer's best articles on board games and their design, as well as contributions from 13 renowned game designers (including Vlaada Chvatil, Rob Daviau, Michał Oracz, Bruno Cathala and many more) -
D&D Adventurers League Epic - “The Red War”
Sunday 22nd 2pmFirst Floor - Room 400
Also this year Play hosts the Epic of Dungeons & Dragons, an incredible collective multi-table session. Dozens of tables, dozens of masters and a fantastic number of adventurers will come together to form an event that can be described with one word: EPIC!
To register you must complete, no later than May 15th and The form you will find at this link, subject to availability.