Government, consultations: how they work

Government, consultations
Three weeks after the general election, the path to forming a new government is not even halfway. In republican history, the record for the longest time between elections and trust was 88 days, with the first Conte government, but in this case the political forces and the country cannot afford to wait that long, both for the period of global crisis and for the administrative expiry of the budget law, to be approved by the end of 2022. Thus, after the election of the presidents of the chambers, the representatives must be able to quickly appoint the parliamentary group leaders, to allow the President of the Republic, Sergio Mattarella , to convene the consultations as soon as possible, which will lead to the formation of the new government.The start of the consultations How long the consultations last The assignment The reserve The dissolution of the reserve The oath of the government Bell ceremony Confidence Lorenzo Fontana is the new president of the Chamber The deputy of the League has obtained the third position of the state. With Ignazio la Russa chosen for the Senate, the right-wing coalition has left no office in Forza Italia
The start of consultations
the existence of an effective majority ready to support the new executive. Once the election of the presidents of the chambers and the appointment of the group leaders have been completed, the head of state calls the two presidents and group leaders, often accompanied by party leaders, to the Quirinale to discuss the formation of the new government.During the consultations, the representatives will indicate to the head of state who, in their opinion, should be given the task of forming the next government. The President of the Republic is under no obligation to appoint a party leader, or to pre-designated party figures. If the current appointments were to be resolved in a couple of days, between 17 and 18 October, Mattarella could start consultations as early as October 20.
Ignazio La Russa is the new president of the Senate The Senator of Brothers of Italy obtains the second position of the state. Friction in the right-wing majority for the election of the presidents of the two Houses
How long the consultations last
The duration of the consultations depends both on the number of parliamentary groups to be received, and on the ease in finding a person able to be supported by a majority of parliamentarians. In today's case, given the numbers of the right in the Chamber and the Senate, the consultations are likely to last only a couple of days.The most disturbing statements by Ignazio la Russa and Lorenzo Fontana Between the Roman salute to dust off in the period of emergency Covid-19 according to the newly elected president of the Senate and the arrows against LGBT + families and sanctions against Russia by the number one of the House, a review of "ipse dixit" that explain what the second and third positions in the state think
The assignment
After the consultations, we move on to the assignment of the assignment to constitute the government. The timing depends on the existence of a sufficient majority to give solid confidence to the executive. In the present case, right-wing parties have an absolute majority in both chambers and, apart from disputes over ministries, there shouldn't be any particular problems. Thus, between 21 and 22 October, Giorgia Meloni, leader of the majority party Fratelli d'Italia, could already receive the post.The results of the elections: the right wins, Fratelli d'Italia first party According to the partial counts from the vote of 25 September comes the exploit of Giorgia Meloni over 26%, which gives the right-wing coalition the majority of the seats. The Lega collapses, Pd below 20% and Movimento 5 Stelle recovering compared to forecasts but halved compared to 2018
The reserve
Usually, the person appointed by the President of the Republic, who can also be an unelected person , Accepts with reserve, that is, it carries out its own consultations to verify in turn the holding of the majority and to calibrate the program and composition of the executive. At this point the list of possible ministers takes shape and, with a cohesive majority, this passage can be closed even in a couple of days.Are the politicians already tired of TikTok? During the election campaign, the leaders of the main parties had focused heavily on the ByteDance social network, but after 25 September they seem to have given up: only Salvini and, obviously, Berlusconi resist
The dissolution of the reserve
Once finished consultations, the prime minister in charge returns to the Quirinale to dissolve the reserve and present the list of ministers. At this point, the prime minister or prime minister is appointed prime minister. However, this step does not automatically lead to the formation of the government, because the head of state can ask for substitutions or changes of dicastery, as happened in the case of the refusal by President Sergio Mattarella to appoint Paolo Savona as Treasury Minister in 2018. della Repubblica intervene both negatively, that is blocking appointments, and positively, that is, proposing personalities deemed useful.The names in the running to be ministers of the new government Gallery 26 Images by Kevin Carboni
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The oath of the government
The day following the dissolution of the reserve, or even a few hours later, the Prime Minister and ministers must swear allegiance to the Italian Constitution, in the hands of the President of the Republic. If internal clashes with the majority or indications of the head of state on the dicasteries do not arise, the new executive could swear by the last days of October.From "Io sono Giorgia" to 25 September: history of evolution social of Meloni Journey through the profiles of the leader of Fratelli d'Italia and her transmedia communication: this is how she relates to memes, hits and criticisms in the digital world. A "politics of emotions" that has ensured great popularity in recent years
Bell ceremony
After the oath, the new prime minister must present himself at Palazzo Chigi, seat of the government, where he will be welcomed by the president of the Outgoing Council for the delivery of the bell, whose trill will start the first meeting of the new executive.What does not work in the new Parliament The conjunction between the electoral law that was wanted by Renzi and the cut of the parliamentarians implemented by the 5 Star Movement risks making parliamentary committees less efficient and slower, further slowing down the process of laws