7 new Italian startups to make a career or find a new job

In this scenario of great upheavals, it is above all women and young people who struggle most, both when looking for work and when trying to make a career. In fact, Italy is one of the European countries with the highest rate of youth unemployment: according to Istat in January 2022, 25.3% of young people between 15 and 24 were unemployed.
Per as regards working women, then, the situation is even more alarming: in Italy only one woman out of two works on average. The effects of the pandemic on pink jobs are evident. In fact, according to the data of the 2021 Gender Report, recently published by the State Accounting Office, in 2020 there was a drop to 49% of employed women, a decrease that mainly affected the 25-49 age group, i.e. that period of life traditionally dedicated to the creation of a family. Such a low rate of female employment has not been seen since 2013.
The good news is that these upheavals have contributed to the birth of a new generation of Italian startups, supporting job seekers or career seekers . We have selected seven of the most promising:
OutlierZ Jobiri Career Jungle Zwap Grls Digitazon School Dealogando OutlierZ Let's start with the newborn start-up OutlierZ, a career development platform, based on the idea of the two founders Letizia Martelli and Stefano Tartaglia, both ex Amazon. OutlierZ is a place where those looking for support and advice on professional growth issues find those who can offer them. The startup is aimed above all at young people and women because, as the co-founder Martelli explains: "In a moment of great uncertainty in the world of work and beyond, it is precisely the new generations of Millennials and Gen-Z who are the last to enter world of employment to be the most impacted. According to a study by the consulting company PwC, 53.1% of them declare themselves disappointed by the lack of support from companies regarding their professional development and 71.2% ask for a relevant, authentic and transparent path of growth ".
Jobiri If, on the other hand, you are looking for a job, we would like to point out the startup Jobiri, a real online career consultant, which uses artificial intelligence to accelerate the search for work and which aims to render the services of more humane, effective and universal careers. Jobiri was founded by Claudio and Roberto Sponchioni and can already count on a national network of companies and institutions. Creating an account is free and perhaps the most interesting function is the one that promises to have privileged access to some job advertisements, thanks to the ability to aggregate offers from dozens of different sites.
Career Jungle Always in the field of job search, we point out Career Jungle, a platform where real experts and consultants have created video courses and career coaching services to learn how to find work and develop your career. Also in this case it is a start-up that started recently, but which comes from the well-established experience of the recruiting agency Just Knock, founded in 2015 and which today manages a community of about 120 thousand people, especially Millennials and GenZs.
Zwap If your main interest is networking and meeting new people who might be useful to you, then we suggest you try Zwap. It is a networking platform that uses artificial intelligence to create matches between registered users, who knowing each other could bring value to each other. The start-up was born in full covid emergency from the idea of the three founders, Federico Pedron, Luigi Adornetto and Luca Tamborino Frisari, and last February took home a round of pre-seed financing of 200 thousand euros. How does Zwap work? Just create an account and fill in your profile form, indicating your job, interests and availability for virtual meetings. After that, the artificial intelligence will create and propose the match. If the match is of interest, a half-hour virtual meeting is organized between the two people. Currently the service is free and you can have at least one meeting a week.
Grls Also on the networking front, there is Grls, a young community dedicated to women to orient themselves and grow in the world of work. Because for many women the problem is not only finding a job, but also making a career, an area in which Italian workers, with the same skills, are still heavily penalized compared to their male colleagues. Grls is currently active in Milan, Rome and London with online and offline activities that include the Grls Academy and the Grls Club.
Digitazon School For those who want to train to work digitally and in particular as a web developer, could be a good idea to consider Digitazon School's courses. Digitazon, in fact, is the first tech school in Italy to become a web developer, with 90% of its students under the age of 30. A real job opportunity, given that according to some recent analyzes, in Italy there would be a total lack of about one million workers specialized in digital.
Dealogando Let's close our selection of Italian start-ups to make a career or find work with the online magazine Dealogando, specialized in news on the world of economy and work, with an approach dedicated to the new generations. Born in 2021, it is now available on the main social platforms, but their strongest channel is certainly Instagram.