The ICE, the Concours d'Elegance returns this Saturday on the frozen lake of St. Moritz

This Saturday, the prestigious I.C.E. Event, International Concours of Elegance, returns to the splendid setting of the Upper Engandine, more precisely on the frozen lake of St. Moritz. Similarly to the Concorso di Eleganza of Villa D'Este, usually scheduled around May, this weekend's appointment also includes the presence of numerous classic and modern models that have written the history of motoring.Le about 50 cars present were selected in the midst of several hundred requests also received from outside Europe; among the protagonists, six single-seaters, eight boats and ten road racing cars are expected. We can therefore hope to see historic cars of the caliber of Alfa Romeo, Ferrari, Maserati and Porsche, but also more modern excellence of Pagani production. In this regard, some rumors suggest the presence of the founder of the homonymous house in San Cesario sul Panario, Horacio Pagani.
The event will be available to the public, with free access, starting from 8.30 and 10.45 the jury will analyze and tell the particularities of each specimen. After lunch, however, the awards ceremony will begin between 13.30 and 15.30 and in this regard we recommend looking for a free seat in the stands. The jury will be chaired by Marko Makaus, collectors expert, speaker of the Mille Miglia and founder of The I.C.E. The complete jury foresees, in any case:
Yasmin Le Bon Cecilia Muldoon Valentina Croce Frédéric Brun Maurizio Cheli Michele Lupi Augustin Sabatié-Garat Klaus Busse Horacio Pagani Philip Rathgen Alberto Vassallo The forecast for Saturday, at the moment, looks promising with clear weather and few clouds: who he does not like the cold, however, he will be less happy to know that lows are expected around -12 degrees and highs of -6 degrees. A small delegation from, in particular from MotorLabs, will be present so we advise you to follow our Instagram page. Here is the official presentation video of one of the previous editions:
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Greenland's ice is melting from the bottom up -- and far faster than previously thought, study shows
'Unprecedented' rates of melting have been observed at the bottom of the ice sheet, caused by huge quantities of meltwater falling down from the surface, according to the study published in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences.
As the meltwater falls, its gravitational potential energy is converted to kinetic energy, which ultimately warms the water as it pools at the base of the ice sheet. In that process, the study found that the Greenland ice sheet produces more energy than the world's 10 largest hydroelectric dams combined.
'However, the heat generated by the falling water is not used to generate electricity. Instead, it melts the ice,' Poul Christoffersen, a Canmridge University senior scientist who took part in the study, told CNN.
During warmer months, meltwater pools into lakes and streams on the surface of the ice sheet. Some of that water drains to the bottom of the ice sheet, falling through cracks and large fractures that form in the ice with movement and stress.
That meltwater contributes to more melting at the bottom of the ice sheet, and it also behaves as a lubricant that promotes faster flow and increases the quantity of ice discharged into the ocean.
Christoffersen explained that when researching the melting of ice sheet and glaciers at their bases, studies tended to focus on external heat sources.
'But what we hadn't really looked at was the heat generated by the draining meltwater itself,' he said. 'There's a lot of energy stored in the water that forms on the surface, and when it falls, the energy has to go somewhere.'
The Greenland ice sheet is the second largest in the world and is already the biggest single contributor to global sea level rise.'The ice in Greenland is melting on the surface faster than the snowfall can keep up with, so there is quite a big loss from the melting,' Christoffersen told CNN. 'In a substantial part of the ice, we get melt rates which can be up to five or six centimeters a day.'
However, directly measuring conditions at the base -- around 1 kilometer below the surface -- poses challenges, particularly in Greenland, where glaciers are among the world's fastest-moving.

'Unprecedented' rates of melting have been observed at the bottom of the ice sheet.
The Cambridge researchers teamed up with scientists at the University of California Santa Cruz and the Geological Survey of Denmark and Greenland for this study. It focused on the Store Glacier, a large outlet from the Greenland ice sheet.
To measure the melt rates, the researchers used a technique developed at the British Antarctic Survey called phase-sensitive radio-echo sounding, a process by which they can measure the thickness of the ice.
It's a method that had previously been used on floating ice sheets around Antarctica.
'We weren't sure that the technique would also work on a fast-flowing glacier in Greenland,' said Tun Jan Young, first author of the study, who installed the radar system on Store Glacier.
'Compared to Antarctica, the ice deforms really fast, and there is a lot of meltwater in summer, which complicates the work.'