Raspberry Pi Pico gets into a mechanical keyboard with this Kickstarter

Photo Credit: Bolt Industries In case you have need a numeric keypad, for easier entry of digits and performing operations on the fly, another object of this Kickstarter campaign is Pico 14, a real standalone device (has a separate Raspberry Pi Pico inside ) which can also be used in conjunction with the keyboard. This allows you, for example, to disconnect it when not needed, so as to make your desktop more tidy.
if (jQuery ("# crm_srl-th_hardware_d_mh2_1"). Is (": visible")) {console. log ("Edinet ADV adding zone: tag crm_srl-th_hardware_d_mh2_1 slot id: th_hardware_d_mh2"); } Obviously, the keyboard is compatible with all major operating systems (Windows, Linux, macOS) and can be connected to any device via USB Type-C port. As for the materials used, Bolt Industries employs three layers of glass fiber reinforced epoxy laminate screwed together, while ABS doubleshot keycaps can be purchased in any color. Full freedom also for Galtron switches, available tactile or linear in seven variants.
Photo Credit: Bolt Industries On the software front, an open-source custom firmware called BMK will be used, written in C ++ for the Arduino IDE and downloadable from Bolt Industries' GitHub repo, which allows you to reprogram the any key. The keyboard is also compatible with KMK, firmware that runs on CircuitPython.
if (jQuery ("# crm_srl-th_hardware_d_mh3_1"). Is (": visible")) {console.log ("Edinet ADV adding zone : tag crm_srl-th_hardware_d_mh3_1 slot id: th_hardware_d_mh3 "); } At the time of writing, the Kickstarter campaign is already a success, as € 6,591 (out of the € 5,335 requested) have been raised, thanks to the contribution of 61 supporters and there are still 28 days to go. If you are interested, we advise you to consult the page dedicated to the project.