What is the trend of coronavirus infections, hospitalizations and deaths in Italy

What is the trend of coronavirus infections, hospitalizations and deaths in Italy

What is the trend of coronavirus infections

An infographic developed by Wired and based on Civil Protection data allows you to monitor the trend of the curves with a daily update

(photo: Daniel Schludi / Unsplash) The bad news is that even in Italy the infections coronavirus have started to rise again. The good news is that ICU admissions and deaths, other crucial indicators of the impact of the Covid-19 pandemic, remain low for now. With the aim of helping the reader to monitor the progress of the epidemic, Wired has built this infographic. Which, updating itself daily with the data collected by the Civil Protection, allows you to keep the curves under control.

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The graph shows the contagion curve, ICU admissions and deaths. More specifically, the choice was to represent the seven-day moving average to reduce fluctuations. In particular, those related to the fact that fewer swabs are carried out at the weekend. By clicking on a point of the curve, which gives an account of what happened in the last 120 days, a pop-up indicates the date and the absolute number of events recorded on that day, whether they are new positives, hospitalized or deaths.

Comparison with the United Kingdom

As you can see, between the end of June and the beginning of July the curve describing the new positives bent upwards. And now it definitely points towards an ascent. A phenomenon due to various factors, from reopening to the spread of the more contagious delta variant. A phenomenon, it should be remembered, which does not only concern Italy: the United Kingdom has been observing it since the end of May.

London, which has since removed all restrictions, is also seeing a increase in hospitalizations and deaths, although not even remotely comparable to that seen with the start of the second wave. The difference, of course, is that when the latter started last autumn, the vaccination campaign had not started. Should we therefore imagine that at the beginning of August, or a month after the resumption of infections, hospitalizations and deaths will start to rise again in Italy too? Possible, of course. Although it is possible that the Italian vaccination strategy will prove to be a winner over the English one.

The government of Boris Johnson has chosen to focus on the first dose, postponing the boosters. The Italian authorities, on the other hand, have preferred the path of therapeutic adherence. That is, to administer the second dose as well for those vaccines that require it. And the data collected so far indicate that the double dose of mRna doses maintains efficacy in contrasting severe cases, even if linked to the delta variant.

The efficacy of vaccines

A further encouraging data comes from the latest epidemiological bulletin of the Higher Institute of Health. A document that divides the data relating to infections, hospitalizations and deaths on the basis of the vaccination cycle, highlighting the effectiveness of vaccines in protecting against infections and serious forms.

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As you can see, most of the cases recorded in the last month concern people who have chosen not to get vaccinated or have not yet had the opportunity to do so. By clicking on a column, a pop-up indicates the reference period and absolute values. Vaccines, therefore, help to keep the curves relating to deaths and hospitalizations low even if that of infections rises. At the moment, however, of the 51 million Italians over the age of 16, only 27 million have completed the vaccination cycle, while another 7.3 are awaiting the second dose. The susceptible segment of the population, that is, the one that has a higher risk of serious consequences of the infection, remains wide.

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