Two male sex toys compared: our field test

Two male sex toys compared: our field test

Two male sex toys compared

Arcwave Ion vs Lelo F1S V2: between air pulses, sound waves, tactile stimulation and a constant wet effect, does the technology really satisfy us?

(Photo: Arcwave, Lelo) We tried, not only with hand, two of the most innovative gadgets for male sexual well-being: Arcwave Ion and Lelo F1S V2. Two custom-built models of value, even economic, with a high technology content, which are inspired by sex toys for clitoral orgasm. Both Lelo's console and Arcwave's stroker combine a cylindrical design in soft silicone, which tactfully simulates the inside of the human body, with patented technologies that stimulate the penis with vibrations, sound waves and air impulses. To experience technological orgasms, however, you need to get your hands dirty, literally: you need to use (a lot) of lubricant. The sensation is wet and is an unusual condition for the solitary onanist, as well as a dogma that makes the act of technological self-eroticism more like: "having sex with a sex toy", rather than masturbating manually.

(Photo: Arcwave)

Arcwave Ion

It looks like Kylo Ren's weapon in Star Wars, but it's only the hilt: you have to put the sword on. The body is made up of two parts, so as to simplify cleaning, while drying takes place during the charging phase, in the discreet docking station. It won the Red dot design award 2021 and has dimensions suitable for anyone: the lowest edge is less than ten centimeters and the circular entrance hole has the diameter of a 2 euro coin. It is necessary to lubricate the interior in Clean Tech silicone and, unlike the other cylindrical masturbators, Ion has an open upper end, from which the glans protrudes. The position is designed to stimulate the frenulum through the patented Pleasure Air technology, at air pressure: from a central hole, powerful impulses come out that stimulate the area, where there are those many sensory receptors that are present in the, very similar, clitoris.

And indeed it promises to make males experience female orgasm. It fits comfortably, but you have to look for the keys a little blindly: two regulate the intensity of the impulses, while mute is an aid in an emergency: the sex toy, in fact, gurgles as noisy as a geyser. The solution is called Smart Silence: in contact with the skin, it activates and switches off automatically. It can be used either standing still or moving the hand with the classic movement, but it is the air pressure that does the job: we have experienced the vibrations on the skin that, from tiny only in the point of contact, branch out with a pleasant tingling and, increasing the intensity with the buttons, they expand to the powerful climax (especially the first few times). With a little practice in managing the sensation and impulses, it is then possible to control the stimulation and achieve the notorious tantric orgasms. The price? 189 euro.

Wired: The tray area for the glans, which is designed for slow and prolonged eruptions

Tired: The pleasure is focused and involves only one area of ​​the penis

Rating: 8+

Lelo F1S V2

The Swedish pleasure console was awarded at the Xbiz Europa Awards 2021 erotic event and is a stylish cylinder with two engines and four different stimulation modes, which are managed with the 3 buttons at the top. The LED ring informs about: charge, stimulation mode, intensity level and there is also the rubber cap for the power cable: the F1S V2 can in fact be used in the shower, as it is 100% waterproof.

Inside there are a dozen sensors and many proprietary technologies, including the automated function CruiseControl that manages the power, the user recognition inside and SenSonic, with which the sex toy produces strong (and noisy) waves sound, which envelop and vibrate the entire body of the penis. The task of transmitting the pulsating waves is carried out by the snug silicone sheath, which fits flexible and at the entrance is thicker and has a width of two fingers.

After filling it with lubricant, it is inserted inside: some rubbery pads massage the penis and, in contact with the shaft, recall the internal area in the G-spot area. The sensations during use are surprising: 4 different menus of intense stimulation, a storm of sound waves and the 'manual accompaniment of the cylinder on the penis, they produce a concert of vibrating sucks and wet puffs of air, which simulates real sex. Orgasm and internal ejaculation include contractions around the shaft of the penis, reminiscent of reaching the apex with a real partner.

Lelo's F1S V2 does not disassemble and has a cup shape: the cleaning after use is as demanding as washing a dish. It connects to the smartphone and can also be managed with an open source app, to the development of which you can contribute. It costs 219 euros.

Wired: The lateral smoked window: when it is on, the LEDs illuminate the action inside

Tired: It is not supplied with a case to hide it from prying eyes

Rating: 9

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