AMD receives a prestigious award from CERN

AMD receives a prestigious award from CERN

In a press release, AMD announced that it has received the ALICE Industry Award 2021 in recognition of its commitment to designing and building ALICE Online & Offline Event Processing Nodes (EPNs), powered by AMD EPYC processors and AMD Instinct accelerators. br>
Photo Credit: AMD The ALICE (A Large Ion Collider Experiment) detector is used by over 1,500 scientists from 151 institutes in 37 countries for the purpose of studying present-day matter and that existing in the first microseconds after Big Bang. To analyze the 600GB / s data stream generated by the ALICE detector, AMD and the developers of ALICE installed and started the EPN software, a high-performance computer farm with eight AMD Instinct accelerators and two 32-core AMD EPYC processors. In recognition of the commitment of the AMD engineers who provided their support to develop and install the complex diagnostic software, the ALICE team celebrated the success of the installation with an award.

Last year AMD and CERN announced a new case study highlighting CERN's implementation of second-generation AMD EPYC processors for collecting the enormous data throughput from Large Hadron Collider (LHC) detectors - where raw collision data arrives at 'incredible speed of 40TB per second. In case you are interested, you can find more details at the following address.

Photo Credit: AMD A few days ago, we also talked about some rumors related to the alleged presentation of the new Radeon RX 6000 graphics cards at the event CES 2022. This new series, made at 6nm, should be a sort of refresh of the current one, with higher frequencies and levels of efficiency. For more information, we recommend that you read our previous article.

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