Car overhaul price, refunds will start from 3 January

Car overhaul price
As you probably already know, from 1 November last, an increase in the cost of the car overhaul was triggered, which went from the original € 66.88 to € 79.02 for the work carried out in the authorized workshops. This is one of the items present in the 2021 Budget Law, an item that has inevitably been viewed negatively by all Italian motorists.For this reason, the Government subsequently decided to create the “Safe vehicle voucher ", A way to reimburse Italian motorists for the increase in the revision; according to the latest information released by the Ministry of Sustainable Infrastructure and Mobility, the online platform will be active on January 3, which will allow citizens to request a refund of € 9.95, which compensates precisely for the increase that came into force just two months ago. The platform will be active on the ministry's website, but the risk of 'Click Day' is very high: the funds available are few, just 4 million euros for 2022, enough to cover only 402 thousand requests.
The refund can be requested on the car inspection carried out from 1st November 2021 and for the following 3 years, and is valid for one inspection only, for a single vehicle; if you own two or more cars, you can request a refund for only one of the cars owned, and once requested, you will not bea> able to ask for the next inspection.
if (jQuery ("# crm_srl-th_motorlabs_d_mh2_1"). is (": visible")) {console.log ("Edinet ADV adding zone: tag crm_srl-th_motorlabs_d_mh2_1 slot id: th_motorlabs_d_mh2"); } To access the portal made available by the Ministry of Sustainable Infrastructure and Mobility, a valid form of digital recognition will be required, such as the SPID, the electronic identity card (Cie) or the National Services Card (Cns); once logged in, simply fill in the form with the required data, attaching the payment receipt for the revision for which a refund is requested - finally, the refund will be sent directly to the applicant's current account.