The Vatican has officially asked the government not to approve the Zan bill

The Vatican has officially asked the government not to approve the Zan bill

For the Holy See, the law would reduce the freedom of thought ensured by the Concordat which revised the Lateran Pacts in 1984

(La presse) The Vatican formally asked the Italian government to stop the approval of the so-called Zan bill , the bill proposed by the deputy of the Democratic Party Alessandro Zan for the fight against homolesbobitransphobia, misogyny and ability, that is, respectively, discriminatory attitudes towards the LGBT + community, women and people with disabilities. For the first time, the Holy See publicly intervened in the process of approving an Italian law, instructing the Secretary for Relations with States, Paul Richard Gallagher, to send a note to the government. For the Vatican, the text of the bill, already approved in the Chamber, must be modified, because it would threaten the "freedom of thought" of the Catholic community.

In the note, delivered to the first councilor of the Italian embassy at the Holy See, the Vatican argued that the Zan bill would reduce "the freedom guaranteed to the Catholic Church by Article 2, paragraphs 1 and 3 of the Concordat revision agreement". The two paragraphs of the Lateran Pacts, modified in 1984 with the Villa Madama Agreement, ensure the Church "freedom of organization, public exercise of worship" and guarantee "full freedom of assembly and demonstration to Catholics and their associations and organizations. of thought with speech, writing and any other means of dissemination ".

The text then attacks article 7 of the bill establishing the national day against homophobia, lesbophobia, biphobia and transphobia for 17 May (the same day in which it is already in force the international one), to promote the culture of respect and inclusion and counter prejudice and violence, because it would not exempt Catholic private schools from organizing activities for this day.

Also below more generally, Article 4 of the Zan bill, which protects the freedom of thought and speech when these do not contribute to determining "the concrete danger of carrying out discriminatory or violent acts", would be accused. That is, freedom of expression must never cross over into incitement to hatred and violence. In the note, Corriere della Sera reports, "there is a concern about discriminatory conduct, with the fear that the approval of the law may even involve risks of a judicial nature". Completely unfounded and several times already dismantled fears both by the proponent of the law and by authoritative jurists.

The news was reported by Corriere della Sera, which recalls how the intervention of Cardinal Gallagher is "an unprecedented act in the history of relations between his states". It had never happened that the Church intervened through diplomatic channels to modify the content of an Italian law, a faculty granted to the foreign state by the Lateran Pacts of the fascist era of 1929 and not revoked during their revision of 1984.

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