Telegram: tips and tricks you may not know

Telegram undoubtedly represents the most widespread and functional alternative messaging app to WhatsApp on the market: much more than a simple rival of the application of the giant Meta, Telegram also represents a powerful tool with great potential, which include but go far beyond the ability to stay in touch with your friends.
Compared to WhatsApp, Telegram offers endless possibilities for customizing the user interface, collects less personal data (although it has not yet integrated end-to-end encryption by default) and is constantly updated with useful and innovative features.
As the developers themselves pointed out during the picc or new subscriptions reached in conjunction with the great blackout of Facebook services on October 4, 2021, the transition to this app can often disorient the average user, precisely because of the amount of features present.
To facilitate this procedure, Telegram provides, within the FAQ section of the site, a brief guide to basic operation, which is however very superficial compared to the true potential of this application. For this reason we have collected a series of tricks, features and menus that you may not have known, so that you can make the most of Telegram.