Electric car expenses: insurance, road tax and management

Electric car expenses
Electric cars continue to gain significant market share, with significant month-over-month growth; by now they are common enough to be found on our streets and, over the next few years, they could surpass even the most common and present power supplies. Among the various reasons that pushes a buyer to switch to electric is that linked to management costs which, as can be guessed, can be significantly lower. Thanks to the reduced environmental impact, those who buy an electric car can benefit, first of all and if present, from incentives and subsequently from a reduced stamp duty.
As we have explained in this in-depth analysis, the bollo is an annual tax measured on the basis of the power, the year of production of the car (and the region to which it belongs). Secondly, the costs of insurance are more advantageous, also for reasons that go beyond the nature of food. Even if there are some elements of an electric car which, if broken, could cause repair costs to soar (such as the battery, do you know how much it costs to change it? You can get an idea in this in-depth analysis), at the moment they do not represent a real problem for the buyer, as almost all manufacturers offer a more than extended guarantee capable of ensuring carefree use of the car.
Car tax
Do electric cars pay car tax? While the question is extremely simple, we don't have a straight answer to provide: maybe. At the moment, the only two regions that allow you not to pay the tax on electric cars are Lombardy and Piedmont; a considerable saving also because, barring changes in the law, the exemption is valid for the entire life of the car. In the other regions of Italy, the concessions travel on different tracks, making the marketing of electric cars less of an incentive. In general, an electric vehicle benefits from exemption from paying road tax for the first five years of the car's life; after that period, it will be necessary to pay 25% of the total tax. In any case, the savings are evident, even if not as extremely advantageous as in Lombardy and Piedmont.In summary:
Lifetime stamp duty exemption:
Lombardy PiedmontExemption for 5 years (from the 6th road tax to 25%):
Abruzzo Basilicata Calabria Campania Emilia Romagna Friuli Venezia Giulia Lazio Liguria Marche Molise Puglia Sardinia Sicily Tuscany Trentino Alto Adige Umbria Valle d'Aosta VenetoInsurance and Auto Liability
Is insuring an electric car cheaper than insuring a new car of the same category and value? We tried to create some estimates with a well-known insurance company with numerous offices in the area and, although the motivation is not very intuitive, we generally measured savings of between 100 and 300 euros in favor of battery-powered cars.How come? There are more reasons. First of all the low risk, generally those who buy an electric car are not extremely young or elderly. The average age is between 30 and 60, which frees up inexperienced drivers and those who may have limited reflexes while driving. Secondly, the intended use which is characterized by short daily journeys which, statistically, are less prone to accidents. The safety factor should also be added: electric cars are safe, safer than fuel-powered ones that could catch fire. Finally, the car park, those who have an electric car will tend to have a box where they can recharge it at night: this element, albeit slightly, helps to reduce the cost of car insurance.
The costs of management
How much does the top-up cost? And the coupon? Instead a train of tires? Let's go in order. The cost of charging is closely linked to where you decide to charge your car. By carrying out a constant and nightly recharge at your home, the expense is contained and will not weigh excessively on your wallet. Instead, using a public column, perhaps in fast charge mode, you could even spend 0.90 cents per kW; basically just under 70 euros for an 80 kWh battery. Similar speech, as highlighted in our study on tariffs, also for the Tesla Model 3 LR with its 82 kWh battery; to charge it all to the Supercharger it is necessary to shell out around 60 euros. Of course, using a "slow" public top-up the price is significantly reduced in some cases and using the numerous subscriptions offered by the various companies it is possible to further reduce spending.But what about coupons? The pure and ordinary maintenance of an electric car costs less than an endothermic one of the same level. The only unknown, as anticipated, is the battery even if most manufacturers offer a more than extended warranty; on average we have found a period between 8 and 10 years, with a distance of over 150 thousand kilometres. In any case, at the moment, there are not enough interventions to demonstrate the measured longevity of the component; replacement cases are still limited.
Federicovecchio.com We have explained the characteristics of electric car tires in this exhaustive article and we do not intend to dwell on this in-depth analysis again, but we will specify only one aspect: electric cars guarantee superior performance when used with suitable tyres. For this reason it is always advisable to adopt models specifically designed for battery-powered cars. The main manufacturers always offer one or more models for electric bikes, even as winter equipment, as you can see in this article. What prices are we talking about? Is there much difference compared to a “normal” tyre? The answer is no. For example, a set of Michelin E Primacy with size 225/50 R17 (98Y) costs about 5% less than a set of Michelin Primacy 4+ with the same characteristics.