MotorLabs Award 2022: our four-wheeled picks

MotorLabs Award 2022
For a couple of years now, on MotorLabs, the motor-themed section of, we have decided to test the most recent cars (and motorcycles) available or arriving on the market more decisively. Last year alone we sat on 54 four-wheeled models, while this year we exceeded 70 in previews and full press tests. Our content can be of various kinds, from the classic test that focuses on our driving sensations, to the expense necessary to maintain a specific model over a period of one year.
On some specific models, on the occasion of targeted trips or periods of the year more inclined to special projects, we have packaged more exhaustive contents that consider a use focused on what may be the target of the model. How not to mention, for example, the two tests carried out on the Stelvio Pass and on the Gavia Pass at the wheel of the Hyundai i30 N and the Jaguar F-Type V8.
As we enthusiasts know, every year a rich jury of journalists meets to decide which car is better under a series of precise and targeted requirements as amply explained in this study. This year, with the 2023 edition, Car of The Year boasts over 50 sector journalists from all over Europe. Perhaps using the Car of The Year as a source of inspiration or following our numerous tests, we have decided to draw up our own ranking of the cars that we most appreciated during this long 2022.
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