Teen Titans: Raven cosplay from Starbuxx is gothic and glamorous

Teen Titans
From the Teen Titans series we find the inspiration for this cosplay of Raven by Starbuxx, which stages a truly excellent interpretation of the DC Comics character, who appears rightly gothic and fascinating.The Raven of Starbuxx, also known as "Corvina" in our country, especially as regards the animated series in Italian edition, it precisely takes the original model of the character, managing to reproduce it with considerable fidelity, however also emerging as a rather themed cosplay with the impending Halloween .
The character in question, in fact, has decidedly dark elements, being a demonic hybrid coming from the dimension of Azarath, as a daughter of the demon Trigon, so it is normal that her appearance can fit into an atmosphere from Halloween, with the dark suit and the almost villain features.
However, the photographic set starring Starbuxx brings out above all the beauty of the character, c at times to disturb but very often also to fascinate fans, which makes Raven a very popular subject by cosplayers for her discordant characteristics.
If you are looking for other cosplay, we refer you to the cosplay of Marin from lady_pizza_hug from My Dress-Up Darling, the cosplay of C18 from Xandrastax with the uniform of the Turtle from Dragon Ball, cosplay of Kiriko from Nadyasonika from Overwatch 2, Jessica Nigri's Pyramid Head cosplay with the Silent Hill nurses, Tsunade's from yaizaperez all in body painting, taken from Naruto and Zelda's cosplay from starbuxx.
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