Bayonetta 3: Taylor accuses journalists of protecting Platinum Games

Bayonetta 3
Speaking of Bayonetta 3, in recent days some controversies related to the voice actress of her protagonist have fueled the reflections of the sector and the community, bringing to light some details that have aroused general curiosity. Starting from all this, Hellena Taylor has recently released some new statements on the subject, highlighting her point of view and clarifying some information that has continued to fuel discussions these days.
It has come to my attention that some people are calling me a liar and golddigger. I feel the need to defend myself and my reputation in the industry. See thread #PlatinumGames #Nintendo #Bayonetta # Bayonetta3 #Bayonutters #Boycott #NintendoEurope #NintendoAmerica #NintendoJapan
- Hellena Taylor (@hellenataylor) October 24, 2022
To all this must be added new details, which she reported, according to which Platinum had initially offered her $ 10,000 for the role, increasing the figure, followed by $ 15,000 after she wrote directly to the developer Hideki Kamiya, underlining also, among other things, the presence of some people who “are trying to cast a shadow and discredit what I say. The industry is powerful, they also have powerful journalists ". | ); } This situation, of course, had a direct impact on the community of enthusiasts, paving the way for a series of reflections on the creative side of a sector that has never been too open about it. And while Jennifer Hale takes over from Hellena Taylor as the new voice actress for Bayonetta 3, new statements published by the company and the acting artist seek to reassure fans about the situation. These new details are certainly reflective, shedding light on usually unnoticed aspects of the production process. It remains important to note that other professionals in the dubbing sector have also responded to the situation, highlighting a phenomenon that should not be underestimated.