A new bike helmet that folds up

A new bike helmet that folds up

While they significantly reduce the risk of injury, bicycle helmets are annoying. While I would never consider riding a bike without wearing one, most of the helmets I've tried are very large and bulky, both to wear and to carry. They have to fit snugly around the wearer's head, are expensive, and most importantly, they are disposable items.

Most bike helmets are made from a rigid foam of polystyrene foam. To protect the head, the foam absorbs the force of the impact and shatters. In addition to having to replace them after every accident, the safety of a helmet can also be compromised if a child decides to repeatedly slam it against a wall. If on your way home you decide to rent an ebike instead of taking the means, then, you could not do it unless you have brought the bulk of your helmet with you ..

But what would happen if you had a comfortable and practical helmet that doesn't make you feel like an idiot while wearing it? The Newton-Rider N1 helmet has aroused the compliments of almost all the people who have seen me wearing it. It is compact, stylish and about half the thickness of a normal helmet. It rests on the head like a cap, without having to tighten it tightly around the skull. In the past, other companies have proposed solutions to the problem of helmets, but at not particularly affordable prices, as in the case of the Hövding airbag helmet. Although these alternatives have been around for several years now, they have not yet achieved widespread adoption. The N1 can be pre-ordered on the Indiegogo crowdfunding site, starting from € 84.

Newton-Rider's supermolecules Newton-Rider's N1 folded

Newton-Rider The Newton-Rider N1 folds up to fit comfortably into a bag or backpack, and is designed to protect the head from multiple impacts. In this way, in addition to reducing waste, it is also possible to save money.

The protection of the helmet is guaranteed by a series of panels connected together by an elastic and resistant fabric. Each panel is made up of three protective layers: a rigid polycarbonate shell, an elastic, shock-absorbing polyurethane foam and an inner core composed of what Newton-Rider calls "supermolecules", made from a proprietary non-Newtonian thermoplastic elastomer.

According to Newton-Rider, supermolecules guarantee a shear thinning effect: when an impact occurs, the bonds between the supermolecules break, dissipating the force of the impact into thermal energy. Similar to ketchup that congeals when left to rest, non-Newtonian molecules reassemble themselves back into their original configuration after impact.

Obviously, the most important aspect of a helmet is its effectiveness . Predictably, I was unwilling to get hit by a car to test N1's protective ability. Newton-Rider, however, points out that at the moment the helmet has started the procedure for obtaining safety certification both in Europe and in the United States i; the company estimates that the N1 will be available in the US before the end of the year.

Pocket protection The N1 worn by a woman

Newton-Rider I wear a helmet every time I go cycling, and I have to say that putting on the N1 test model was quite easy. Once I got off the bike, I tucked the N1 into my duffel bag, finding myself carrying it around for most of the rest of the day.

The helmet can be folded for length or width, without being compressed. Newton-Rider representatives say the helmet will be tested for up to four thousand folds, which they estimate is one year of use. The company is also working on the design of a bag that will keep the helmet compressed after folding it.

The N1 is less breathable than a perforated bicycle helmet: "It's not a racing helmet - explains Frederik Jensen , head of strategy at Newton-Rider - When you arrive at your destination on an ebike, you are not all sweaty. "

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Electric scooters and e-bikes have seen a surge in popularity recently, partly due to the pandemic and global warming. The increase in their prevalence, however, has also led to an increase in accidents.

It is worth remembering that all of us - cyclists, pedestrians, scooter users and motorists - share the road. Cyclists can wear helmets. Manufacturers have imposed speed limits and other safety measures on electric vehicles. But honestly, the most effective and reliable way to ensure people's safety is to rethink cities in ways that get as many people out of cars as possible. In the meantime, however, it is good to continue using the helmet.

Newton-Rider is currently in the process of assembling a small group of helmets. We remind you that supporting a crowdfunding campaign does not guarantee that you will receive the product. If you choose to participate, you can pre-order the N1 from € 84 here.

This article originally appeared on sportsgaming.win US.

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