Dentists, artificial intelligence enters the studio

Idi Evolution is an Italian company which, paradoxically, seems to go against its own interests: it specializes in dental implantology and at the same time aspires to reduce this type of intervention by favoring and improving prevention. It has developed advanced software for dentists' practices which, thanks to artificial intelligence, promises to make practice management more efficient, help increase the quality of clinical activity and above all solve the problem of communicating with patients.Alfred , as explained to by Andrea Piantoni, chief innovation officer of Idi Evolution, is a software-as-service which on the one hand deals with the management of information, personal data, the agenda of clinical activity, reports, even quotes and billing. On the other hand, it includes an entire section dedicated to communication which effectively translates the professional's clinical notes into graphics and texts that are understandable to the patient. " Management municipalities usually only organize information, but not processes like our application does. And then what matters to us is that the patient, once he leaves the studio, has the opportunity to acquire awareness of his state of health and treatment. We must commit ourselves to make the relationship between patient and professional evolve", says Piantoni.
Alfred, the patient side file
Keeping clinical information can be difficult: perhaps everything is clear at the moment, since your dentist has done his utmost to explain, but then at home, days later, you often have no memory of the details. Alfred provides a sort of digital medical record, accessible via smartphone, which shows everything: from the materials used, to the duration of the sessions, the state, the course of treatment, photographs, plates, every element. Useful for knowing your situation but also for a possible other consultation or as a historian. "Nothing changes in the professional's daily life, in terms of commitment, since it is the system that takes care of reprocessing the usual data entry in a form that is understandable to the patient", adds the specialist.
Alfred, treatment plan
" We have also provided hardware components, such as a camera and other devices, capable of collecting information and automatically sharing it with the platform to make it accessible - recalls Massimiliano Rossi, marketing manager of the company -. The most demanding job was that of decoding and transforming technical information such as the odontogram into something clearer for the patient".
In Italy there are about 60,000 dentists and 40,000 specialist practices, but there is often little sharing of experiences. In this sense, Alfred proposes to put data (obviously anonymous) as a common factor to allow artificial intelligence to elaborate diagnostic patterns. " We have 1600 customers throughout Italy and currently around a hundred are helping us in bug fixing the platform. In March 2023 we will make the official launch of Alfred, but the price will be declined on the basis of the size of the study and not on the number of patients to manage ; there will be no difference between who pays more and who pays less. As an indication, we will start from 145 euros per month", conclude Piantoni and Rossi.
Idi Evolution is convinced that Alfred could be an ideal solution to contribute to prevention and create a standard of patient management. According to the two managers, the most striking figure emerging from market surveys is that 49% of patients who have undergone treatment in the last year have not scheduled a routine check-up. As if to say that you only go to the dentist when a problem emerges.