Bitdefender Antivirus – Review

Bitdefender is now an established brand, both for its security suite and for the VPN service. In any case, it is its range of top-notch antivirus packages that make Bitdefender a well-known and respected brand. It is no coincidence that it is one of the best providers on the market and, through the three main plans, can meet the needs of a large segment of the public.
The commercial range starts from Bitdefender Antivirus Plus , which adds some exciting additional features in the area of security and privacy, such as protection against ransomware , scanning Wi-Fi networks for any security problems, protection of banking transactions with secure browser, safe removal of files, a vulnerability scan tool and a password manager .
Subscribe Bitdefender Antivirus Plus from €19.99 Antivirus Plus also offers the free version of Bitdefender VPN, with a traffic limit of 200 MB per day. Otherwise it offers automatic connection, split tunneling to choose which apps to activate the VPN with, a new Android app and an ad and tracker blocking tool.
A big news that arrived this year is the elimination of the free version . Not a big loss, as Bitdefender Free was far too basic.